FAO: India elected the Vice Chair

The Inter-Governmental Technical Working Group reviews the technical issues at the Food and Agriculture Organization and also advises the organizations on key decisions. India will hold the position of Vice Chairperson at the 12th session of the group. The ITWG is to meet at Rome in January 2023 and discuss animal genetic resources. USA is the Chair of the session. Along with India, other countries will also hold the Vice Chair position. They are Spain, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tonga, and Brazil. India will also hold the position of Rapporteur along with the Vice Chair post. Rapporteur means the reporting officer. Mr. Bhupendra Nath Tripathi is to represent India and hold these positions.


The group will discuss Animal Genetic Resources. The discussions will be held based on the inputs from the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS). The DAD-IS has national data for all countries. It includes the breed types, adaptations, classification, cost–efficient methodologies adopted, technical support received, diversity, and many more. The ITWG will make decisions and provide recommendations after analyzing the reports submitted based on the information from DAD-IS. The action plan suggested will target the implementation of SDG 2.4 and SDG2.5

  • SDG 2.4: Sustainable Food Production
  • SDG 2.5: Maintain Genetic Diversity

SDG 2: Zero Hunger



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