Facts Box: Thal Sena Bhawan, the new Army Headquarters

The Defence Minister Rajanth Singh recently laid foundation stone to construct a new Army Headquarters in Delhi Cantontment. The building has been named “Thal Sena Bhawan”.


The building is designed as a rising sun and is spread over 39 acres. The new department that integrates army, navy and air force is to be placed under Chief of Defence Staff in the new building. The construction of the building is expected to be completed in 3 to 4 years. Around 1,700 officers and 1,300 sub staffs are to be accommodated in the building.

The building has adopted GRIHA-5-rating norms.


Griha is Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment. These buildings consume resources from municipal wastes or indirectly from emissions of electricity generation. It is basically a rating tool. It gives star rating to the buildings based on their performance in using resources for their design, build, running and demolition provisions.


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