Facts Box: Methanotrophic Bacteria Culture first time in India

The Agharkar Research Institute of Pune has isolated 45 strains of methanotrophic bacteria. These bacteria are capable of reducing methane emissions in rice plants.


Apart from isolating the strains, the scientists have also created methanotrophic culture. The isolated bacteria were from southern and western India.

What are Methanotrophs?

Methanotrophs are environmental organisms that have a major role in cycling of methane. They oxidize methane in the environment. The methanotrophic bacteria oxidize methane through anaerobic metabolism. The methanotrophs are used as bio-inoculants.

What are Bio-Inoculants?

Bio-Inoculant are strains of bacteria, algae or fungi. They take in nitrogen from atmosphere and prepare nitrates required for plants. By this, use of fertilizers are reduced. They also increase zinc and phosphorous availability for plants.


After carbon-dioxide, methane is the second largest green house gas contributor. With the use of methanotrophic bacteria in agriculture, emission of methane shall be greatly reduced. Methane traps 84 times of heat trapped by carbon-dioxide.


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