Factors affecting Values and Traits

A trait is characteristic of the person that change over time, but shouldn’t change rapidly. They should be stable attributes of the person. It represents a pattern of behaviour, thinking, or feeling that is consistent over a variety of different situations. It is the only difference from person to person.

Values represent a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence that involves judgement because they represent an individual idea of what is right, good or desirable. Hierarchy of values differ for every individual. There are few important factors that affect the values and traits of an individual in a society, workplace and among peers.


It is the ability to honestly express your opinions, feelings, attitudes, and rights, without undue anxiety. This behaviour earns the individual respect from others, while the others treat him with love as he is a man of self-respect.

Locus of control

It is the degree to which people believe they are masters of their own fate that they control what happens to them or believe what happens to them is controlled by outside forces.

Future orientation

It is defined as “the degree to which a collectivity encourages and rewards future-oriented behaviours such as planning and delaying gratification. This changes an individual’s moral thought process to be flexible, adaptive and attain spiritual fulfilment.


An individuals’ degree of liking or disliking themselves and the degree to which they think they are worthy or unworthy has an influence in the change of their moral values and traits.

Gender Egalitarianism

Men and women often think differently and would react to moral dilemmas in different ways. Women would favour care reasoning, need and sacrifice, while men incline to favour fairness and rights, which is known as justice reasoning.

Humane orientation

An individual value changes positively and his character is modified by being supportive and considerate to the society and peers, also includes his compassion and generosity.


A highly moral individual gives priority to group rights over individual rights, but his individualistic trait will remind him that each choice has consequences for which he will be held personally responsible.


Individuals high in self-monitoring show adaptability in adjusting their behaviour to external, situational factors. They are highly sensitive to external cues and behave differently in different situations.

Risk Taking

People differ in their willingness to take chances and affects how long it takes to make a decision and how much information they require before making a choice influences the internal trait and ethical behaviour of an individual.

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