Fact Box: Embryo transfer technology (ETT)

Department of Animal husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries in co-operation with 12 States had undertaken Mass Embryo Transfer programme in indigenous breeds under National Mission on Bovine Productivity Scheme.
The programme is implemented with the objective of conservation and development of indigenous breeds under Rashtriya Gokul Mission using Embryo transfer technology (ETT).

Embryo transfer technology (ETT)

ETT is one of the most important reproductive biotechnologies where male and female genetic material can be utilized for faster improvement of livestock. It has revolutionized breeding strategies in Bovines as tool to optimize genetic improvement in cattle. Using it, embryos of higher genetic merit indigenous bovines such as Sahiwal, Gir, Red Sindhi, Ongole, Deoni and Vechur are being transferred in to surrogate cows. Government is taking this technology to doorstep of farmers for rapid propogation of high genetic merit indigenous cattle.
Benefits of using ETT: (i) Farmer can get 5-6 fold increase in number of offsprings. (ii) So born calves will be of high genetic merit (iii) Offsprings born will be free from diseases.

National Mission on Bovine Productivity

It was launched in November 2016 with aim of enhancing milk production and productivity and thereby making dairying more remunerative to farmers. It is being implemented with following components
(i) Pashu Sanjivni: It includes identification of animals in milk using UID, issuing health cards to all animals in milk and uploading data on INAPH data base.
(ii) Advance reproductive Technique: Under it, sex sorted semen production facility is being created at 10 A graded semen stations and 50 EET Labs with IVF facilities.
(iii) Creation of E Pashu Haat Portal: It is for linking farmers and breeders of indigenous breeds and
(iv) Establishment of National Bovine Genomic Centre for Indigenous Breeds (NBGC-IB): It is established for enhancing milk production and productivity through genomic selection among indigenous breeds.

Rashtriya Gokul Mission

It was launched in December 2014 for development and conservation of indigenous bovine breeds for enhancing milk production and productivity through induction of high genetic merit bulls for semen production, field performance recording, strengthening of bulls mother farms, setting up of Gokul Grams etc.


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