Exercise Cambrian Patrol

The Exercise Cambrian Patrol is annual exercise organised by the UK army. It is also referred to as the “Olympics of Military Patrolling”.

About Exercise Cambrian Patrol

The exercise is organised by the 160th Infantry Welsh Brigade of the British Army on behalf of the Commander Field Army. The Exercise is being conducted since 1950-60s. Every year, the exercise is held in the month of October for around ten days. It is the principle All Arms Patrol Exercise of the British Army. The exercise is open to all the three services. It is a scenario-based exercise. It also focuses on accomplishing missions. It is not a competition. During the exercise, the performance of different patrol units is assessed and rewarded. The exercise is made of eight phases. Each phase lasts for 48 hours. The exercise is held for ten days. Every patrol participating in the exercise will cover 60 kms. It includes an average climb and descent of 1 km. Also, every individual in the patrol will carry a weight of 35 kgs. The exercise is highly arduous. Every participant should be prepared physically and mentally to participate in the exercise.

Aim of the Exercise

The exercise aims to provide patrol challenges. It focuses on enhancing the operational capability of the participating patrols.


The Cambrian Patrol was first set up by Welshman Major General Lewis Pugh in 1960. The main aim of the exercise was to feature long distance marching. It mainly focused on the Cambrian Mountains. The Cambrian Mountains are series of mountain ranges located in Wales.

Female forces in Cambrian Patrol 2021

The female forces participating in the exercise is rare. In 2014, a patrol of eight women won bronze medal in the exercise. This was the first time the women forces completed the exercise.

Exercise Cambrian Patrol 2021

The Indian Army participated in the Cambrian Patrol 2021 and won gold medal. The Indian team competed against 96 teams. This included 17 international teams. The teams were represented by Special Forces and prestigious regiments. During the exercise, the Indian team received high accolades from the judges for their good navigation skills, overall physical endurance and delivery of patrol orders.

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