Exercise Blue Flag 2021

The Exercise Blue Flag is an international training exercise organised by Israeli Air Force. It is one of the biggest military exercises conducted by Israel. It is held once in two years.

About Exercise Blue Flag 2021

The Exercise Blue Flag, 2021 was held in Ovda Air Base. It was attended by fourth and fifth generation aircrafts from France, India, Germany, Greece, Italy, US and UK. This is the first time, seven major powers are participating in the exercise. In 2019, only four countries participated in the exercise. The exercise was held for two weeks. The Germans deployed six Eurofighters. The Sufa (F-161) squadron of the Indian Air Force played the role of “Red Force” in the exercise. In 2021, the Blue flag exercise was held under the theme

Theme: Integration of fourth and fifth generation aircraft in complex operational scenarios

The firsts of Exercise Blue Flag 2021

  • It is the first time a British squadron is deployed to Israel since the establishment of the latter
  • It is the first time the Mirage fighter squadron of India is deployed to Israel
  • Also, it is the first time the Rafael fighter jets of France are deployed to Israel

Also, the technology is ground breaking in terms of quality of training, technology and number of participating nations. It acts as a stepping stone towards international cooperation.

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