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HSSC Recruitment 2019: 6400 Vacancies
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has issued notifications for recruiting eligible candidates to the posts of Constables in the Police department (Group C). Please find detailed information regarding the vacancies below. Important Dates Commencement of online Registration:12.06.2019 Closure of registration ..
IRCTC Recruitment 2019: 74 Supervisor Vacancies
IRCTC has issued notifications for recruiting eligible candidates to the posts of Supervisor (Hospitality) on Contract basis for a period of 2 years and extendable by one more year in the South Zone. Please find detailed information regarding the vacancies ..
Southern Railway Recruitment 2019: 95 Vacancies
Southern Railway has issued notifications for recruiting eligible candidates to the posts of Executive Assistants (English) / Data Entry Operators & Digital Office Assistants (English) on contract basis. Please find detailed information regarding the vacancies below. Important Dates Closure of ..
TSECL Recruitment 2019: 15 Vacancies
Tripura State Electricity Corporation Limited (TSECL) has issued notifications for recruiting eligible candidates to the various posts. Please find detailed information regarding the vacancies below. Important Dates Last Date for receiving application: 27.06.2019 till 05.30 PM About Vacancies S.No. Post ..
DRDO Recruitment 2019: 351 Technician Vacancies
Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) has issued notifications for recruiting eligible candidates to the posts of Technician ‘A’ (TECH ‘A’) under Defence Research & Development Organisation Technical Cadre (DRTC). Please find detailed information regarding the vacancies below. Important Dates ..
UPSC Recruitment 2019: 09 Vacancies
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has issued notifications for recruiting eligible candidates to the various posts as mentioned below. Please find detailed information regarding the vacancies below. Important Dates Closure of registration of application: 27.06.2019 Last Date for printing of ..
BECIL Recruitment 2019: 1100 Vacancies
Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited has issued notifications for recruiting eligible skilled/unskilled candidates to the various posts purely on contract basis. Please find detailed information regarding the vacancies below. Important Dates Commencement of online Registration: 06.06.2019 Closure of registration of ..
Naval Ship Repair Yard Recruitment 2019: 172 Vacancies
The Naval Ship Repair Yard, Kochi has issued notifications for recruiting eligible ITI qualified candidates to the various designated posts under Apprenticeship Act 1961 in conjunction with Apprentice Rules 1992. Please find detailed information regarding the vacancies below. Important Dates ..
Indian Navy Recruitment 2019: University Entry Scheme
Indian Navy has issued notifications for recruiting eligible candidates to the posts of Short Service Commission (SSC) Officers in Executive (IT) and Technical Branches under University Entry Scheme (UES) for the course commencing June 2020. Please find detailed information regarding ..
BSF Recruitment 2019: 146 Vacancies
Border Security Force has issued notifications for recruiting eligible candidates to the various posts on deputation basis. Please find detailed information regarding the vacancies below. Important Dates Closure of application: 60 days from the publication of advertisement About Vacancies S.No. ..