Exam Alert: SBI (PO) Probationary Officers Examination 2010

  1. Name of The Examination: Recruitment of probationary officers in associate banks of state bank of india
  2. No. of Vacancies: 1717 (SC-301,ST-289, OBC-459,.UR-668) (PH-25)
  3. Date of Examination: March 7, 2010
  4. Last date of Receipt of Online Application: January 31, 2010 (Starts from January 1, 2010)
  5. Age: 21-30 years (Relaxations as per rules)
  6. Selection Procedure & Scheme of the Examination :
  • Phase-I – Written Examination : Time 3 Hrs. (Combined Objective & Descriptive Type Tests)
    The duration of objective type test will be 2 hours and will consist of :
    i) Test of English Language (Grammer, Vocabulary, Comprehension etc.)
    ii) Test of General Awareness, Marketing & Computers
    iii) Test of Data Analysis & Interpretation
    iv) Test of Reasoning (High Level)
    The duration of descriptive type test will be 1 hour and the test will be “Test of English Language (Comprehension, short precis, letter writing & essay)”
    Descriptive test paper of only those candidates will be evaluated who are adequately high in percentile ranking in each of all the four objective tests and have scored overall aggregate 40% in case of General category and 35% in case SC/ST/OBC/PWD category.

    The qualifying marks for descriptive test will also be 40% for General category and 35% for SC/ST/OBC/PWD. The merit list of written examination will be based on the aggregate of the marks obtained by the candidates in objective and descriptive tests.

  • Phase-II : Group Discussion & Interview :
    The aggregate marks of objective test and descriptive test will be arranged in descending order and the candidates who have qualified in written examination will be called for group discussion and interview depending upon the vacancies in each category subject to maximum of three times the number of vacancies. The marks of group discussion and interview will be put together and the candidates who secure 40% marks (35% in case
    of SC/ST/OBC/PWD) in group discussion and interview will be considered for final selection. The selection will be made from the top merit ranked candidates in each category. The candidate will have to pass both in Phase I & II.

    Official Link to This Advertisement (please go to Recruitment section in the left vertical side bar)

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    January 2, 2010 at 6:02 pm

    I am regular reader of this website as it is very helpful. And one of the most important things is the Exam alerts


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