European Union Report: North Korea, the most dangerous places in the world

On July 2, 2020, a research centre INFORM operating under European Commission released its report, “Shared Evidence for Managing Crises and Disasters”.


The report ranks the countries based on “INFORM Risk Index” that is calculated considering humanitarian crises and disaster in the region. The index considers the following while framing the index

  • Natural Factors: Tsunami, Earthquake, Drought, Flood, Epidemic and Tropical Cyclones
  • Human Factors: Human Conflicts and conflict risks
  • Socio-Economic factors: Inequality, vulnerable people, deprivation and aid dependency
  • Institutional and Infrastructure: Governance, Communication, Access to health systems

Key Findings of the report

Among all the countries, North Korea was the most dangerous place to live. This was because the people are North Korea are exposed to social injustice, natural disasters and poverty. North Korea was ranked 39th most dangerous country out of all 191 countries in the world. The Global risk index of North Korea was 5.2/10.

South Korea ranked 150th.

India and its Neighbours

The Informa Risk Index of India was 5.4. India ranked 31st. Somalia was first in the ranking, followed by Central African Republic, Yemen in second and third places respectively. China was ranked 71, Pakistan at 17, Sri Lanka at 96.


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