European Parliament Ban on Petrol and Diesel Cars

Members of the European Parliament recently voted to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2035.

Key Facts

  • This voting was held on an amendment, that would have allowed some auto emissions through new vehicles after 2035. This amendment was rejected by Members of Parliament.
  • European Union assembly voted in Strasbourg, France for requiring the automakers to cut 100 percent carbon-dioxide emissions by the middle of next decade.
  • This would have amount to restrictions on the sale of new cars powered by gasoline or diesel, in 27-nation of European Union.
  • To weaken the target to cut CO2 by 90% by 2035 were rejected by some lawmakers.

Why this happened?

Europe seeks to ban the sale with the aim of stepping up the fight against climate change by faster development of electric vehicles.

Negotiation of final law

Members of the European Parliament are still required to negotiate the final law with ministers from 27 national governments in Europe. Final shape of the law will be determined through negotiations in 2022 itself. If this agreement is reached, it will end the use of combustion-engine car in Europe.

Carbon Emission Goals

EU lawmakers has also endorsed a reduction in CO2 by 55 %, from automobiles in 2030 compared with 2021. This move deepens an existing obligation on car industry to decrease CO2 emission by 37.5 % on an average by the end of this decade.

European Parliament

European Parliament is headquartered in Strasbourg, France. It was founded in March 19, 1958. The Parliament comprises of 705 members. It represents the second-largest democratic electorate worldwide.

Ban on Petrol and Diesel Cars in UK

Ban on petrol and diesel cars in United Kingdom is part of the overall strategy to cut carbon emissions. This plan was unveiled by government in November 2020. Government took this decision, as to avoid the ill effects of climate change, carbon emissions must be reduced to net zero by 2050.



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