EU Demands Clarity From Microsoft On AI Risks

The European Commission has given Microsoft until May 27 to talk about any risks that might come with the creative AI features in its search engine, Bing. The main worry is that generative AI could be used to make deepfakes and other types of automatic content manipulation that could trick voters.

Risks of Generative AI in Bing

Generative AI, which lets computers make material, is a big problem in getting information to people. The European Commission is worried that this kind of technology could be used to make and share false information through services like Bing, which would make it harder for people to have honest conversations about politics and the community.

Potential Consequences for Non-Compliance

The European Commission has warned Microsoft of harsh financial fines if it doesn’t meet the disclosure requirements by the due date. One of these is a fine of up to 1% of Microsoft’s annual revenue. Other fines could add up to 5% of the company’s average daily revenue over time. Furthermore, giving out wrong or false information could also lead to fines.

What is the Digital Services Act (DSA)?

The investigation and steps that followed are supported by the Digital Services Act (DSA), a major piece of legislation that the EU started working on last year. The DSA requires tech companies to actively find, report, and take down harmful and illegal material on their platforms. This includes the new types of risks that generative AI technologies bring because they are being used in more and more digital services.

More About the European Commission

  • Foundation: The European Commission was established in 1958 and is the politically separate governing arm of the European Union.
  • Headquarters: The European Commission’s main offices are in Brussels and Luxembourg.
  • Primary Responsibilities: Its main jobs are to come up with ideas for new European laws and put the choices made by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU into action. The Commission looks out for the interests of the EU as a whole, not just certain member states.
  • Leadership: The European Parliament chooses the President of the Commission. Each EU country has one Commissioner on the body. This makes sure that different points of view are heard and considered when decisions are made.
  • Budget Management: The Commission is in charge of the EU budget and gives money to different projects and programs. Also, it makes sure that all member states follow EU law by making sure that they all follow the rules and regulations that everyone agrees on.
  • International Role: The Commission is very important when it comes to international trade talks and relief aid. It speaks for the EU in global discussions and helps countries that need it. This helps the EU’s standing on the world stage and spreads its values and goals around the world.




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