Emergency plan for protection of Great Indian Bustard and Lesser Florican

The Supreme Court has constituted a high powered committee to urgently frame and to implement an emergency response plan for the protection of two Indian birds Great Indian Bustard and the Lesser Florican.

IUCN Status

Great Indian Bustard: Critically Endangered

Lesser Florican: Endangered

Threat to their Existence

  • The petition before the Supreme Court has contended that over the last 50 years the population of the Great Indian Bustard has recorded a decline of over 82 per cent, falling from an estimated 1260 in 1969, to 100-150 in 2018.
  • Similarly, the population of the Lesser Florican has also witnessed a sharp decline of 80 per cent over the past few decades, from 3530 individuals recorded in 1999, to less than 700 individuals in 2018.
  • Both these birds are facing the threat of imminent extinction in spite of the highest level of protection under the  Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.
  • Various reasons for the threats faced by the two endangered birds include mortality by collision with infrastructure, particularly powerlines and wind turbines, depletion of grasslands, hunting, development of mines and human habitation in and around their habitats and ingestion of pesticides.
Remedial Measures
  • As part of the emergency plan, the petition has sought urgent dismantling and undergrounding of powerlines and wind turbines, an immediate embargo on any upcoming wind, solar power projects, and powerlines in and around critical habitats.
  • The petition also seeks for installation of diverters on powerlines in semi-critical habitats and urgent installation of predator-proof fencing in critical habitats to protect breeding grounds of both the species from invasive human activities as well as predators.
  • The petition also urges for immediate implementation of dog population control program.

Taking serious note of possible extinction of two Indian birds — Great Indian Bustard and the Lesser Florican, the Supreme Court has constituted a high powered committee to urgently frame and implement emergency response plan for the immediate protection and recovery of both the species of bird in wake of the monsoon season.

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