ECIL Engineering Recruitment via GATE Score and Personal Interview- 2018

Electronics Corporation of India Limited, a leading Public Sector Company with a turnover of Rs.1500 Crores (A Unit of Department of Atomic Energy) engaged in the area of Strategic Electronics with thrust on innovation & indigenization. ECIL has diversified into strategic sector such as Nuclear, Defence, Security, Aerospace, Information Technology, Telecom and e-Governance. ECIL pioneered a number of products and technologies including Solid State Television, Digital Computer, Cockpit Voice Recorders, Electronic Voting Machines, Programmable Logic Controllers, Earth Station and Deep Space Network Antennas. ECIL has close collaboration with national R&D laboratories as well as academic Institutes and has been involved in the projects of national importance.

The company has openings for 84 posts for Engineering Trainees for post-training placements at its Headquarters in Hyderabad or in any of Zonal/Branch/Site Offices located across India. The areas include Design & Development, Projects, Marketing, Production, QA and Field of Engineering.

Discipline and Minimum Qualification


The selected candidates will undergo training for a period of one year on a consolidated stipend of Rs.38,430/- per month. They are also entitled for Provident Fund and leave etc., as per rules of the Corporation. On successful completion of training, they will be appointed as Engineer for a period of three years with total emoluments of Rs.47,780/-p.m., during 1st year, Rs.49,210/-p.m., during 2nd year & Rs.50,690/-p.m., during 3rd year (for all Metros) which includes variable DA, HRA and fringe benefits under Cafeteria approach. On successful completion of contract appointment, they will be absorbed as Technical Officer in the scale of pay of Rs.16,400-3%-40,500/- with total emoluments of Rs.52,210/- (with variable DA, HRA & Fringe benefits under cafeteria approach). Further, on completion of one year service as Technical Officer, they will be considered for promotion to the post of Senior Technical Officer, in the scale of pay of Rs.20,600-3%-46,500/- depending on their performance and suitability.

Selection Process

For the above posts the selection methodology will comprise two stage selection process i.e. – Marks as per GATE 2018 Score and Personal Interview.

GATE 2018 Score

The short-listing of candidates for Personal Interview will be done based on the scores obtained by them in the GATE 2018 examination. Score from GATE-2017 or from any previous GATE examination is not valid. The minimum number of candidates called for Interview will be in the ratio of 1:5 (i.e.1 Post: 5 candidates). In case of multiple candidates are having same GATE score, then the candidates who has scored higher marks in the Base qualification mentioned at Table-1 will be considered for further selection process.

Personal Interview

Only the Short Listed candidates will be called for Personal Interview at Hyderabad. The date, time and venue of interview will be intimated by mail / SMS. The same will also be posted on our website.

Final merit list of candidates shall be prepared by giving weightage to GATE-2018 score and marks obtained by the candidates in the Personal Interview.

How to Apply

  • Eligible candidates have to apply ‘ON-LINE’ through ECIL website “”.
  • The on-line application process will be operational from 01.2018 (14:00 hrs.) to 15.02.2018 (16:00 hrs.).

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