Ebola fighters named as Time’s 2014 ‘Person of the Year’

Time magazine has named Ebola Fighters as Person of the Year-2014. Time magazine has mentioned that these Ebola Fighters have been named for their tireless acts of courage and mercy for buying the world time to boost its defenses, risking, persisting, sacrificing and saving people from Ebola outbreak which has killed thousands.
In this regard, the magazine has pictured five people on its special issue covers. They are Dr. Jerry Brown, a Liberian surgeon, Salome Karwah-an Ebola survivor whose parents died from the disease and Dr. Kent Brantly, an American missionary who became infected while in Liberia.
As per World Health Organization (WHO), Ebola has killed more than 6000 people out of 18,000 cases in the outbreak in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.
Time Magazine’s ‘Person of the Year’ title: It is an annual honour that has been bestowed by the magazine. It was started in 1927. Every year it is announced in the month of December. It is given to person who is most influenced in the news during the year.  The person who is chosen may be for better or worse cases in the news.


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