Earth Hour: A Symbolic Movement of “Lights OFF” to save environment

Since 2007, every year million participate in the campaign called “Earth Hour” on March 28. The event is organized by the World wide Fund


The event was first started in Sydney, Australia. The main aim of the marking Earth Hour is to call attention towards global warming, loss of biodiversity and climate change. During the one-hour campaign, businesses and people all over the world switch off unnecessary lights and electronic items between 8:30 PM and 9:30 PM.

The Earth Hour is held ever year on the last Saturday of March.


Every year, the support for the Earth Hour is increasing. This year many have taken the event to social media. This says that the awareness among people towards sustainability is increasing. The event also brings people together. It also pushes to bring about legislative changes including sustainable agriculture and renewable energy growth.

Turning OFF lights of major buildings of the world like Empire State, Eiffel Tower sends strong messages.


1 Comment

  1. Dr.Cajetan Coelho

    March 30, 2020 at 10:00 pm

    Long live Planet Earth.


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