“Earclip-type Wearable PC”- Japanese researchers testing tiny ear computer

Screenshot_3Japanese researchers are testing tiny ear computer that is worn on the ear and can be controlled with the blink of an eye or the click of a tongue.
About Earclip-type Wearable PC device

  • Invented by: Engineer Kazuhiro Taniguchi (Hiroshima City University, Japan).
  • Tiny personal computer: 17-gram wireless device has microchip and data storage that enables users to load software.
  • In other words, the device is a battery-powered and comes with built-in storage: users can upload software, apps and files to their ear-worn clip.
  • Design was inspired by Ikebana Japanese flower arrangements, also known as kado or ‘way of flowers.’
  • Features: Bluetooth capability and equipped with a GPS, compass, gyro-sensor, battery, barometer, speaker and microphone.
  • Worn on the ear and can be controlled with the blink of an eye or the click of a tongue.
  • Can be connected to any Bluetooth-enabled device and can be programmed to register certain movements
  • Uses infrared sensors that monitor tiny movements inside the ear and can recognize every time a wearer’s eyes and mouth move.
  • Useful for rock-climbers, hikers, cyclists, people with disabilities, etc.

Expected to be available in the market from December, 2015.



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