
eSaksham is a scheme that has been launched by The Ministry of Education in association with All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), along with CyberPeace Foundation.  eSaksham is a digital training programme that focuses on developing the skills of five lakh college students and teachers in the domain of cyber security.

The ‘eSaksham’, digital training programme, will be held at four levels. They are:

Level 1

Level 1 will be a two-hour long online workshop that will focus on the basic concepts of navigating cyberspace that also includes cyber security, netiquette, and introduction to various new technologies.

Level 2

An assessment test will be held at the end of level 1 from which 25,000 participants will be shortlisted. These participants will take part in Level 2 of the training which will be a four-day workshop. In this level, the participants will take part in the volunteer programme of CyberPeace Corps and they will put to work projects that are either new or even ongoing ones, while focus will be given on areas of interest of the participants.

Level 3

5,000 participants will be shortlisted for Level 3 and it will be held for the duration of one week. This training will include IoT security, cloud security, Blockchain and infrastructure security.

Level 4

500 candidates will be shortlisted for the final level and they will go through a month long intensive training session which will be conducted in collaboration with the government, academia and the industry. To further develop their skills the candidates will be connected to various mentors and will have access to laboratories and cyber ranges. Participants will be awarded a certificate by AICTE and CyberPeace Foundation on successfully completing the training.

This initiative was launched virtually by Prof Anil D. Sahasrabudhe, chairperson of AICTE on May 17 which is also celebrated as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

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