‘Dust-Free Delhi’ Drive

In response to rising air pollution in Delhi, Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena has launched the ‘Dust-free Delhi’ initiative. This effort aims to reduce pollution levels, especially before the winter season when the air quality usually worsens.

Main Causes of Air Pollution in Delhi

One of the biggest causes of air pollution in Delhi is road dust. Dry weather and the lack of rain make this problem worse, as dust from dried mud and silt on the roads gets blown into the air, degrading air quality.

Agencies Involved

Three key agencies will work on this initiative:

  • Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD)
  • Public Works Department (PWD)
  • Delhi Jal Board (DJB)

These agencies will focus on removing and properly disposing of mud and silt from the roads to reduce dust in the air.

Coordination Between Agencies

For better results, the MCD, Irrigation and Flood Control Department (IFCD), and DJB will work closely together. This collaboration is crucial for effectively using resources and strategies to tackle road dust.

High-level Oversight and Monitoring

A high-level task force led by P K Mishra, the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, has also been set up to assess Delhi’s readiness to combat air pollution. The task force will monitor current actions against various pollution sources, such as stubble burning from farms and vehicle emissions.

Comprehensive Plan for Managing Pollution

The task force will review measures against different sources of pollution, including:

Stubble Burning: Burning of leftover crops, mainly paddy stubble, which adds to the smog.

Vehicle Emissions: Pollution from cars, trucks, and other vehicles on the road.

Construction Dust: Dust from building sites that pollutes the air.

Solid Waste: Burning of garbage and other waste that releases harmful smoke.

Diesel Generators: Emissions from generators that are often used during power outages.

The goal is to create a unified and effective strategy to improve Delhi’s air quality and reduce health risks related to pollution. This coordinated approach aims to make Delhi a cleaner and healthier city, especially during the upcoming winter months when pollution levels typically spike.



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