During freedom struggle, who among the following led the Salt march in the Eastern Coast in Tiruchirappalli to the coastal village of Vedaranyam ?

During freedom struggle, who among the following led the Salt march in the Eastern Coast in Tiruchirappalli to the coastal village of Vedaranyam ?
[A]Sri Prakasa
[B]C. Rajagopalachari
[C]P. S. Kumaraswamy Raja
[D]None of these

C. Rajagopalachari
C. Rajagopalachari, also known as, Rajaji or C.R., was an Indian lawyer, independence activist, politician, writer and statesman. Rajagopalachari was the last Governor-General of India. While Gandhi marched along India’s west coast, his close associate C. Rajagopalachari, who later became independent India’s first Governor-General, did a salt march in parallel on the east coast. His group started from Tiruchirappalli, in Madras Presidency (now part of Tamil Nadu), to the coastal village of Vedaranyam.

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