DRDO Equipment for Disinfection

DRDO recently introduced new products to help with the disinfection process to curb the spread of SARS CoV 2.

Automatic Mist-based Sanitizer Dispensing Units

It is a contactless sanitizer dispenser based on the water mist aerator technology which was originally developed for water conservation in fire suppression. It will dispense alcohol-based hand sanitizers at the entrance into various buildings. It makes use of ultrasonic sensors and is compact, economical and long lasting. It prevents wastage by dispensing only 5 to 6 ml for 12 seconds during a single operation.

UV Sanitisation Box

The DRDO has developed a UV sanitisation box for disinfecting objects like mobile phone, tablets, purse, currency, cover of office files, etc. The box will subject the objects to ultraviolet C radiations for a minute with a dosage of 100mJ/sq.cm. The unexposed areas of the object will be disinfected by the ozone that is produced by the 185nm UV radiations.

Hand-held UV Devices

The DRDO, through its Defence Institute of Physiology & Allied Sciences (DIPAS) and Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (INMAS), developed hand-held UV devices for disinfection of office and household items including food packets, files, chairs, postal deliveries, etc.

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