Dr. B R Ambedkar’s birth anniversary will be observed as Water Day

The Union Government is going to observe birth anniversary of the father of Indian Constitution B R Ambedkar (April 14) as “Water Day” in the country.
It was announced by Union Minister for Water Resources Minister Uma Bharti in New Delhi. She made this announcement while addressing a National Seminar on Marching ahead on Dr. Ambedkar’s path of water resources management for inclusive growth. It was organized by Central Water Commission (CWC) in New Delhi.

What is purpose?

The idea behind observing Water Day on birth anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar is to sensitise people about managing precious water resources. It will also spread awareness about work of Dr. Ambedkar who was also responsible for a definite all-India policy on managing water resources in India besides being instrumental in framing the country’s Constitution.


The CWC paper (Ambedkar’s contribution to water resources development) released on the occasion of the Dr. Ambedkar’s 125th birth anniversary in April 2016 mentions that he was a pioneer in the field of developing multi-purpose projects for independent India. In fact, he was the moving spirit behind the Damodar Valley, Hirakud and other projects. He had helped in evolving a new water and power policy during 1942-46 to utilise the water resources of the country to the best advantage of everybody.


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