DoT License for Kerala Fibre Optic Network (KFON)

Kerala bas become the first and only state in India to launch its own internet service, Kerala Fibre Optic Network (KFON).

Key Facts

It was announced by Chief Minister of Kerala, after Department of Telecommunications granted an Internet Service Provider (ISP) licence to KFON Ltd, to provide internet access to everyone in state.

About KFON

The Kerala Fibre Optic Network Ltd (KFON) is an initiative of Kerala government, launched with the aim of eliminating the digital gap in state. According to government, infrastructure created under this project will complement current telecom ecosystem in Kerala.

What are the objectives of K-FON?

Important objectives of KFON include-

  1. To create core network infrastructure or an information highway, in a bid to provide non-discriminatory access to all service providers in order for them to augment their connectivity gap.
  2. To provide a reliable, secure and scalable intranet across all government offices, hospitals and educational institutions.
  3. To do partnership with Internet Service Providers, Multiple System Operators and Telecommunication Service Providers in order to provide free internet to economically backward households.

What is the basic principle behind KFON?

KFON has been kickstarted with the basic principle of “non -discriminatory” treatment. Thus, no service provider or business segment will receive preferential treatment, in line with recommendations of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). Any internet provider, at any level of business segment are free to use KFON network for bridging the connectivity gaps at their core networks.

Significance of KFON

KFON will help in bridging the digital gap. It will complement the existing telecom ecosystem in Kerala as well as act as perfect catalyst in ranking the state of Kerala as a Gigabit Economy. This network can be utilized in providing affordable and better broadband connectivity across households. It will play a critical role in delivering remote education, providing remote access to healthcare, bringing in job opportunities, strengthening infrastructure development, sharing information related to e-governance & agriculture matters etc.



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