Direct – Ascent Anti Satellite Missile

The Direct – Ascent Anti – Satellite (DA – ASAT) missile is a Russian missile. It was successfully tested in November 2021.

What are the key features of DA – SAT missile?

The missile is used to strike the artificial satellites in space. In November 2021, Russia successfully tested this missile. During the test, the missile struck a Russian satellite COSMOS 1408. This created a debris field in the lower earth orbit.

What are the concerns raised against the test?

So far, the DA – SAT test has created 1,500 pieces of trackable orbital debris. In future, the test is likely to generate thousands of smaller orbital debris. These debris pose huge threat to the satellites. As of 2019, the US Space Surveillance Network reported 20,000 artificial objects in the space. This includes space debris and 2,218 operational satellites. There are 128 million pieces of debris that are smaller than 1 centimetre. Below 2,000 kilometres of Earth altitude the debris are denser than the meteoroids. The International Space Station is orbiting at a height of 300 to 400 kilometre. This means that ISS is orbiting in Low Earth Orbit. Low Earth Orbit is at an altitude less than 1,000 kilometre from the earth surface. The DA – SAT was held at Low Earth Orbit.

How will DA – SAT missile test lead to Kessler Syndrome?

Kessler Syndrome is also called Kessler Effect. It is collisional cascading. The density of objects in the Low Earth Orbit is high due to space pollution. Thus, collisions between objects in this orbit will cause a cascade in which more space debris will be created. In simple words, it is chain reaction of collisions.  Thus, DA – SAT missile test will lead to Kessler Syndrome.

What is the history of DA – SAT missile test?

The first DA – SAT missile test was held by Russia in 2015. It was called PL – 19 Nudol. The second test was held in 2016. In same year, Russia conducted three more launches after the second test. So far, no Anti – Satellites (ASAT) have been used in warfare. However, countries like China, India, Russia and US have demonstrated ASAT by taking down their own satellites. Bottomline, there is huge concern of increase in space debris. Because of this, the USSPACECOM has raised serious concerns against Russia’s DA – SAT missile test. USSPACECOM is an agency monitoring trajectory of space debris.

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