Difference between Land Reforms and Agrarian Reforms

Land reforms refers to a wide variety of specific programmes and measures to bring about more effective control and use of land for the benefit of the community as a whole. Land reforms generally comprise the takeover of land by state from big land lords with partial compensation and transfer it to small farmers and landless workers.

Land reforms are aimed at changing the agrarian structure to bring equity and to increase productivity. The structure includes both the man-land relationship and man-man relationship (tenant and landlord). In India, the land reforms aim to follow the ideal of socialistic and democratic society. The land reforms in India are envisaged to bring reforms through abolition of intermediaries, tenancy reforms, ceiling on land holdings, and consolidation and encouragement of co-operatives.

Agrarian Reforms

Agrarian reform is a broader term. Along with land reforms it also includes measures to modernize the  agricultural practices and improving the living conditions of entire agrarian population. It also covers the establishment of co-operatives; development of institutions to provide agricultural credit and other inputs; processing and marketing of agricultural produce; and establishment of ago-based industries etc.

Land Right

Land right is defined as legally and socially recognized claims on land enforceable by a legitimized authority like state government.  Land rights can be in the form of ownership, different degrees of freedom to lease out, mortgage, or sell.

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