Decline in Number of birds in Kole Wetlands

Kole wetlands are located in Kerala. The Asian Water Bird Census recently reported that the number of birds in the wetland has reduced significantly. The number of water birds in the wetland has decreased from 15,959 in 2022 to 9,904. This is huge and the survey accuses unscientific construction in the region of the decline.

What does the census say?

The 2023 census was the 23rd AWC. Kole wetlands are of major concern due to the huge water bird population decline. The population decline was mainly due to habitat loss in the region. This occurs because of unscientific construction and waste dumping.

Rare birds in the Wetland

In the 2023 census, the ornithologists spotted some rare birds. And therefore are more concerned about the expropriation of their home. Some of the rare birds spotted in the region are Amur Falcon, Wood Sandpiper, and Cattle Egret. Rare migratory birds were also spotted in the region such as Painted Storks, Whiskered Tern, Garganey, and Ibis.

About Asian Water Bird Census

The census identifies and counts water birds and predominantly focuses on the declining population of the birds in wetlands. It is a part of the International Waterbird Census. These censuses are conducted by Wetland International. The census is conducted in different parts of the world such as Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and the Neotropics. Neotropics includes South America and Central America.

Asian Water Bird Census in India

In India, the census was first conducted in 1987. The Bombay Natural History Society assists Wetlands International in conducting the survey in the country.


The survey aids to get an outlook on the bird population. Has the bird population declined? Are more birds becoming endangered? Causes of bird population decline. Also, it helps in better implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and Convention on Migratory Species



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