December 7: Army Forces Flag Day

Every Year India dedicates December 7 to the Armed Forces Flag Day. The day is dedicated towards fund collection from people of India for the welfare of Indian Armed Forces. The day is being observed annually since 1949.


The main purpose of the observation is rehabilitation of battle casualties, resettlement and welfare of ex-servicemen and their families and welfare of sering personnel and their families. The day commemorates fund collection through distribution of flags. It also acknowledges those who died in serving the country.


On the Flag day, all the three forces of the India arrange carnivals, shows and dramas to show the public about their efforts to ensure national security. On the flag day, car flags, small flags in deep blue, red and light blue colors representing the three services are distributed in return for donations.


As India gained independence a need arose to manage the welfare of the defense personnel. In 1949, a committee was set up to observe Flag Day annually on December 7. The day gains its importance as it considers that it is the responsibility of every citizen to take care of the families and dependents of armed forces personnel.


1 Comment

  1. Dr.Cajetan Coelho

    December 8, 2019 at 6:24 pm

    Flag Day is a thoughtful initiative. Welfare of the armed forces needs to be taken care of through such gestures of concern. Jai Jawan.


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