DAVINCI is a mission to Venus. It is planned by NASA under its Discovery Program. It was later updated as DAVINCI+ Mission.

What is DAVINCI Mission?

The DAVINCI Mission is Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble Gases, Chemistry and Imaging mission. It is to be launched in 2029. The mission will drop a space probe in the upper atmosphere of Venus. The atmosphere of Venus is ninety times denser than the earth. It is mainly composed of sulfuric acid and carbon dioxide. The probe will also search for Oxygen in the Venus atmosphere. The DAVINCI Mission will join the VERITAS Mission to study the Venus. VERITAS is also an upcoming mission that will map the surface of the planet.

What is the plan of DAVINCI Mission?

The Mission will send an orbiter and a descent probe to Venus. The descent probe will study the chemical composition of the Venus atmosphere. It will take photographs during its descend. The orbiter will study and measure the composition of the Venus atmosphere. These measurements are important for understanding the origin of the atmosphere, how it evolved, why it is different from the earth, etc.

What are the scientific goals of DAVINCI Mission?

  • To understand the origin of the Venus atmosphere
  • To find out why the Venus atmosphere is different from Mars and earth
  • To investigate if oceans were present in Venus in the past

To take high resolution pictures of the planet and assess if Venus has plate tectonics

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