Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – September 24, 2022 [Mock Test]
September 25, 2022 September 25, 2022

1. Consider the following statements:
- India is not a member of World Organization for Animal Health.
- India has inaugurated the first-ever Animal Health Summit 2022 in New Delhi.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 nor 2
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Correct Answer: B [Only 2]
Notes:- Recently, the Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying has inaugurated the first-ever Animal Health Summit 2022 in New Delhi.
- It is being organized by the Indian Chamber of Food and Agriculture (ICFA) and the Agriculture Today Group.
- The World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH, formerly known as the OIE) has listed 117 illnesses. More than 50 wildlife illnesses may have major consequences for livestock and public health, as well as wildlife.
- WOAH is an intergovernmental organization, that focuses on transparently disseminating information on animal diseases, improving animal health and welfare globally, and thus building a safer, healthier, and more sustainable world. India is a member.
2. With respect to the ‘climate club’, consider the following statements:
- It was launched at the 2nd United Nations Ocean Conference.
- Its concept was developed by Yale economist William Nordhaus in 2015.
- It will be “open and inclusive in nature” to those committed to follow the Paris climate agreement 2015.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 1 & 2
[C] Only 2 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
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Correct Answer: C [Only 2 & 3]
Notes:- The leaders at the 48thG7 summit decided to form an international “climate club” for nations that want to take more decisive climate action and combat global warming. 48th summit was hosted by Germany.
- The concept of a climate club was developed by Yale economist William Nordhaus in 2015. The club he proposed would exempt its members from climate-related trade tariffs to which non-members will be subjected.
- The club will be an intergovernmental forum of high ambition that will be “open and inclusive in nature” to those committed to follow the Paris climate agreement 2015.
- The club will aim to promote collaboration, help maintain competitiveness and make climate protection a competitive advantage.
- The climate club will be built on three pillars: focus on advancing transparent policies to achieve climate neutrality (reducing all greenhouse gases as much as possible); transforming industries to accelerate decarbonisation; and facilitating partnerships and cooperation to encourage climate action and unlock socio-economic benefits of climate cooperation.
3. Which of the following genes is responsible to specify regions of the body plan of an embryo along the head-tail axis of animals?
[A] Hox gene
[B] Norin gene
[C] Olesen gene
[D] None of the above
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Correct Answer: A [Hox gene]
Notes:- Hox genes, a subset of homeobox genes, are a group of related genes that specify regions of the body plan of an embryo along the head-tail axis of animals. Hox proteins encode and specify the characteristics of ‘position’, ensuring that the correct structures form in the correct places of the body.
- Homeotic genes are master regulator genes that direct the development of particular body segments or structures.
- When homeotic genes are overactivated or inactivated by mutations, body structures may develop in the wrong place.
- Hoxgenes are found in many animals, including fruit flies, mice, and humans. Mutations in human Hox genes can cause genetic disorders.
- Norin-10 and Olesen are the gene responsible for dwarfing in wheat.