Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – September 02, 2022 [Mock Test]
September 2, 2022 September 2, 2022

1. With respect to the turtle species in Indian waters, which of the following are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species?
- Olive Ridley
- Leatherback
- Loggerhead
- Hawksbill
- Green turtle
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 3
[B] Only 1, 2 & 3
[C] Only 2, 3 & 4
[D] Only 1, 3, 4 & 5
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Correct Answer: B [Only 1, 2 & 3]
Notes:- There are five species in Indian waters, Olive Ridley, Green turtle, Loggerhead, Hawksbill, Leatherback.
- The Olive Ridley, Leatherback and Loggerhead are listed as ‘Vulnerable’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
- The Hawksbill turtle is listed as ‘Critically Endangered’ and Green Turtle is listed as ‘Endangereed’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
- They are protected under Schedule I of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
2. Consider the following applications:
- Railway ballasting
- Road construction
- Water treatment
- Soil conditioning
Which of the applications given above can be carried out using steel slag?
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 1, 2 & 3
[C] Only 2, 3 & 4
[D] 1, 2, 3 & 4
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Correct Answer: D [1, 2, 3 & 4]
Notes:- Steel slag can be used as a railway ballast aggregate as it is hard, dense and resistant to both attrition and abrasion.
- Steel making slag can be used road making aggregate in SAIL.
- Crushed Steel slag can be used for soil conditioning. Tea and coffee plantations are potential customers.
- Steel slag can be used to neutralize the pH of the waste water as it contains oxide of aluminium and iron combined with a calcium base. It can be used to treat acidic water discharges from abandoned mines.
- Steel slags can be used for flooring tiles because of their good abrasive materials properties.
3. Consider the following pairs:
- Transform boundary- The San Andreas Fault in California
- Divergent boundary – Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary – the Washington-Oregon coastline of the United States
- Oceanic-oceanic convergence – Mariana Trench
How many pairs given above is/are correct?
[A] Only 1 pair
[B] Only 2 pairs
[C] Only 3 pairs
[D] Only 4 pairs
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Correct Answer: D [Only 4 pairs]
Notes:- Transform boundary- The San Andreas Fault in California, where the Pacific Plate moves northward past the North American Plate.
- Divergent boundary – Mid-Atlantic Ridge where the American Plates are separated from the Eurasian and African Plates.
- Oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary – the Washington-Oregon coastline of the United States, here, the Juan de Fuca oceanic plate is subducted beneath the North American continental plate.
- Oceanic-oceanic convergence – Mariana Trench, Pacific plate subducts beneath the Philippine plate.
- Continental convergent plate boundary – the Himalayan Mountain Range, here, the Indian and Eurasian plates are currently in collision.