Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – October 16-17, 2022 [Mock Test]
October 18, 2022 October 18, 2022

1. Consider the following statements:
- Yogyakarta Principles recognise freedom of sexual orientation and gender identity as part of Human Rights.
- They were outlined in 2006 in United States of America.
- In Navtej Singh Johar vs. Union of India (2018), the court declared transgenders as the ‘Third Gender’.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 3
[C] Only 1 & 2
[D] 1, 2 & 3
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Correct Answer: A [Only 1]
Notes:- Yogyakarta Principles recognise freedom of sexual orientation and gender identity as part of Human Rights. They were outlined in 2006 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia by a distinguished group of International Human Right experts.
- Naz Foundation vs. Govt. of NCT of Delhi (2009) is one of the first case laws wherein Section 377 of the IPC was held unconstitutional, as it discriminated against the LGBTQ community of the country and violated their privacy as individuals.
- In Suresh Kumar Koushal Case (2013), SC overturned the previous judgment by Delhi High Court (2009) that decriminalised homosexual acts and criminalised homosexuality once again.
- In Justice K.S. Puttaswamy vs. Union of India (2017), SC ruled that Fundamental Right to Privacy is intrinsic to life and liberty and thus, comes under Article 21 of the Indian constitution. SC declared that bodily autonomy was an integral part of the right to privacy. This bodily autonomy has within its ambit sexual orientation of an individual.
- Navtej Singh Johar vs. Union of India (2018) decriminalised homosexuality.
- In National Legal Services Authority vs Union of India (2014), the court declared transgenders as the ‘Third Gender’ and affirmed the fundamental rights guaranteed to them. They were also granted reservations in admissions to educational institutions and jobs.
2. With respect to the Constitutional Provisions for Minority, consider the following statements:
- Article 29 and 30 does not extend to any section of citizens but is restricted to minorities only.
- Article 350-B provides for a Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities appointed by the President of India.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 nor 2
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Correct Answer: B [Only 2]
Notes:- Article 29 provides that any section of the citizens residing in any part of India having a distinct language, script or culture of its own, shall have the right to conserve the same. It grants protection to both religious minorities as well as linguistic minorities. However, the SC held that the scope of this article is not necessarily restricted to minorities only, as the use of the word ‘section of citizens’ in the Article includes minorities as well as the majority.
- Article 30 provides that all minorities shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice. The protection under Article 30 is confined only to minorities (religious or linguistic) and does not extend to any section of citizens (as under Article 29).
- Article 350-B was inserted by the 7th Constitutional (Amendment) Act 1956 which provides for a Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities appointed by the President of India. It would be the duty of the Special Officer to investigate all matters relating to the safeguards provided for linguistic minorities under the Constitution.
3. Consider the following statements:
- Tele-Law legal aid will be available to marginalised sector through Common Service Centres (CSCs).
- CSCs provides governance and services on demand to strengthen Digital India Programme.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 nor 2
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Correct Answer: C [Both 1 & 2]
Notes:- Recently, Minister of Law and Justice at the 18th All India Legal Services Meet at Jaipur said that, from this year, Tele-Law service is being made free of cost for citizens in the country.
- The Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice and National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) exchanged a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Integrated Delivery of Legal Services.
- Tele–Law mainstreams legal aid to the marginalized seeking legal help by connecting them with the Panel Lawyers through the tele/video-conferencing infrastructure available at Common Service Centers (CSCs) across 1 lakh Gram Panchayats. CSCs enable the three vision areas of the Digital India programme: Digital infrastructure is a core utility to every citizen; Governance and services on demand; Digital empowerment of citizens
- For easy and direct access Tele- Law Mobile Application (both Android and IoS) has also been launched in 2021 and it is presently available in 22 scheduled languages.