Daily UPSC Prelims Current Affairs – August 28-29, 2022 [Mock Test]
August 29, 2022 August 29, 2022

1. Consider the following statements:
- Heterologous boosters are more effective than homologous boosters.
- Sputnik Light is based on recombinant human adenovirus.
- Covaxin uses modified spike proteins from a chimpanzee adenovirus.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
[A] Only 1 & 2
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
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Correct Answer: A [Only 1 & 2]
Notes:- Homologous boosters use the same type of vaccine as the first and second doses.
- Heterologous boosters, on the other hand, “use a different vaccine platform from the first couple of doses”.
- Heterologous boosters showed higher vaccine effectiveness than homologous boosters.
- Covishield utilises modified spike proteins from a chimpanzee adenovirus, ChAdOx1virus, to elicit immunity in the body.
- Covaxin is developed with Whole-Virion Inactivated Vero Cell-derived technology which means that it contains inactivated viruses that cannot infect but give protection to a vaccinated person.
- Sputnik Light is based on recombinant human adenovirus.
2. With respect to the policies of Indian government for persons with disabilities, India is a party to which of the following?
- Incheon Strategy for Asia Pacific Decade for PwD: 2013-2022.
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Choose the correct answer using the codes given below:
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 nor 2
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Correct Answer: C [Both 1 & 2]
Notes:- The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 recognizes 21 categories of disabilities.
- India is a party to the ‘Incheon Strategy for Asia Pacific Decade for PwD: 2013-2022’ prepared under the aegis of UNESCAP which identifies 10 goals for the Asia-Pacific countries to ensure inclusion and empowerment of PwD.
- The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities started implementing the Unique Disability ID (UDID) project for creating a national database for persons with disabilities.
- The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 was enacted for creating an inclusive environment for PwD which recognized 7 categories of disabilities.
- In 2006, Central Government formulated the National Policy for Persons with Disabilities based on the principles of equality, freedom, justice and dignity of all individuals.
- In 2007, India became a party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).
3. Consider the following statements:
- Tribe dimasa-kacharis inhabits parts of Assam and Nagaland.
- Judima is a home-made rice wine of Dimasa tribe.
- Judima is the first traditional brew in all of northeast to bag a Geographical Indication (GI) tag.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Only 2 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
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Correct Answer: D [1, 2 & 3]
Notes:- The Dimasas (or Dimasa-Kacharis) are the earliest known rulers and settlers of Assam, and now live in Dima Hasao, Karbi Anglong, Cachar, Hojai and Nagaon districts of central and southern Assam, as well as parts of Nagaland.
- Judima, a home-made rice wine of Assam’s Dimasa tribe has become the first traditional brew in all of northeast to bag a Geographical Indication (GI) tag.
- This is the second product from the hill districts of Karbi Anglong and Dima Hasao to get GI tag.
- Manipur’s Hathei chilli and Tamenglong orange were also awarded the GI Tag.