Daily Current Affairs Quiz : September 21, 2021
September 21, 2021 September 21, 2021
1. On which date, International Equal Pay Day was celebrated?
[A] September 18
[B] September 20
[C] September 21
[D] September 15
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Correct Answer: A [September 18]
On September 18, 2021 the International Equal Pay Day was celebrated. In all regions, women’s pay is lower than men’s, and the global gender pay gap is estimated to be 23%. The Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) is led by the International Labour Organization, UN Women and partners. The goal of the alliance is to achieve equal pay for men and women everywhere.
2. Recently, who broke the national record in women’s 1500 m race?
[A] B. Aishwarya
[B] Parul Chaudhary
[C] Harmilan Kaur Bains
[D] Sushila Chanu
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Correct Answer: C [Harmilan Kaur Bains]
At the 60th National Open Atheltics Championships at the Nehru Stadium in Warangal, B Aishwarya of the railway won the women’s long jump gold medal with a personal best of 6.52 meters. Railways’ Parul Chaudhary won the gold medal in women’s 3000m steeplechase with a personal best time of 9:51.01. In the women’s 1500m, Harmilan Kaur Bains won gold in a time of 4:05.39s breaking 19-year-old national record of Sunita Rani’s made in the year 2002.
3. Which state has declared ‘Cooper Mahseer’ which is locally named ‘Katley’ as the state fish?
[A] West Bengal
[B] Sikkim
[C] Odisha
[D] Assam
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Correct Answer: B [Sikkim]
The Sikkim government has declared “Cooper Mahseer” which is locally named “Katley” as a state fish to emphasize the importance of the fish and emphasize its protection measures. “Neolissochilus Hexagonolepis” is the biological name of this fish.
4. With which organization, the Department of Space under ISRO has entered into a framework agreement to develop space launch vehicles?
[A] Bellatrix Aerospace
[D] Agnikul Cosmos
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Correct Answer: D [Agnikul Cosmos]
The Department of Space (DoS) has partnered with the aerospace technology startup Agnikul Cosmos so that they can access ISRO facilities and know-how to develop and test space launch vehicle subsystems/systems. This agreement will also enable Agnikul which is based in the National Centre for Combustion R&D of IIT-Madras to use ISRO’s technical expertise to test and validate its launch vehicle systems and subsystems and run multiple tests and visit facilities at various ISRO centers.
5. On which date, World Bamboo Day is observed?
[A] 15 September
[B] 18 September
[C] 20 September
[D] 22 September
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Correct Answer: B [18 September]
Annually, on 18 September the World Bamboo Day is observed globally. The purpose of this day is to raise the world’s awareness of the protection and promotion of the bamboo industry and bamboo plantations. This special day was celebrated by the World Bamboo Organisation (WBO), which aims to protect natural resources and the entire environment. The organization also intends to ensure the sustainable use of bamboo and promote traditional uses for the economic development of local communities. The message for World Bamboo Day 2021 is “#PlantBamboo: It is time to Plant Bamboo.” WBO also launched new hashtag #PlantBamboo.

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