Daily Current Affairs Quiz: October 25-26, 2020
October 26, 2020 May 21, 2021
1. Which country recorded highest air pollution exposure globally in 2019, as per the State of Global Air 2020 report?
[A] China
[B] United States
[C] India
[D] Singapore
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Correct Answer: C [India]
The State of Global Air 2020 (SOGA 2020) report was released by US-based Health Effects Institute and Global Burden of Disease (GBD).
As per the report, India recorded the highest annual average PM 2.5 concentration exposure in the world last year. People in India are exposed to the highest PM 2.5 concentrations globally and the country has been recording an increase in PM 2.5 pollution since 2010.
2. The United States is to sell advanced air-to-ground missiles worth USD 1 bn to which country?
[A] India
[B] Taiwan
[C] Israel
[D] United Arab Emirates
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Correct Answer: B [Taiwan]
The United States government has recently announced that it would sell USD 1 billion worth of advanced air-to-ground missiles to Taiwan.
This move has occurred at the time when Taiwan is strengthening its Defence force against the threat from China. US had agreed to sell 135 of the AGM-84H SLAM-ER missiles, air-launched cruise missiles and related equipment.
3. What is the name of the Anti-Submarine Warfare stealth corvette commissioned into the Indian Navy?
[A] INS Kavach
[B] INS Kavaratti
[C] INS Kamorta
[D] INS Kiltan
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Correct Answer: B [INS Kavaratti]
Chief of Army Staff General M M Naravane has commissioned the Anti-Submarine Warfare stealth corvette INS Kavaratti into the Indian Navy.
INS Kavaratti is the last of the four indigenously- built ASW stealth corvettes under Project 28. It has been designed by the Directorate of Naval Design, the in-house wing of Indian Navy. The ship has completed sea trials of all the systems fitted onboard.
4. Which state/UT has implemented Smart Black Board scheme in 80,000 Government schools?
[A] Andhra Pradesh
[B] Tamil Nadu
[C] Kerala
[D] Odisha
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Correct Answer: B [Tamil Nadu]
Tamil Nadu state government has started implementing the Smart Black Board scheme in 80,000 government schools.
Under the Smart Black Board scheme, audio visual teaching material is used that can be fed into the computer screens using pen drives. This project is expected to ensure better teaching environment.
5. Low-cost Covid-19 test unit ‘COVIRAP’, which was approved by ICMR, was developed by which institution?
[A] IIT Chennai
[B] IIT Kharagpur
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Correct Answer: B [IIT Kharagpur]
A team of researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kharagpur has developed a low-cost Covid-19 test unit named ‘COVIRAP’.
It is a portable unit for rapid diagnostics of coronavirus and produces results in less than an hour. It involves accurate molecular diagnostic procedure and costs only around Rs 500 per test. The team also developed a mobile application for finding the results.

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year.
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