Daily Current Affairs Quiz : October 14, 2022
October 14, 2022 October 14, 2022
1. Which state topped the Logistics Index in LEADS (Logistics Ease Across Different States) 2022 report?
[A] Tamil Nadu
[B] Andhra Pradesh
[C] Maharashtra
[D] Gujarat
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Correct Answer: B [Andhra Pradesh]
The Union Commerce and Industry Ministry launched the LEADS (Logistics Ease Across Different States) 2022 report.
Andhra Pradesh, Assam and Gujarat are among the 15 States and UTs categorised as achievers in the logistics index chart 2022. The index is an indicator of efficiency of logistical services necessary for promoting exports and economic growth.
2. Which institution released the ‘Living Planet Report 2022’?
[A] World Wide Fund
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Correct Answer: A [World Wide Fund]
According to the latest Living Planet Report by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), there has been a 69 per cent decline in the wildlife populations of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish, across the globe in the last 50 years.
The highest decline (94 per cent) was in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. The report also emphasised that Biodiversity loss and climate crisis are intertwined. Africa recorded a 66 per cent fall in its wildlife populations from 1970-2018 and the Asia Pacific 55 per cent.
3. Pitt Island, where hundreds of pilot whales were stranded dead, is located in which country?
[B] New Zealand
[C] Japan
[D] Indonesia
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Correct Answer: B [New Zealand]
A pod of 240 pilot whales has lost their lives after being stranded on New Zealand’s Pitt Island in the Pacific Ocean.
The pod of whales has been found on the Chatham Islands archipelago, which consists of Pitt Island and Chatham Island with minimal human presence. Earlier, 215 whales died following a mysterious beaching event in the country.
4. India’s first sanctuary for endangered ‘Slender Loris’ is to be set up in which state/UT?
[A] Assam
[B] Tamil Nadu
[C] Goa
[D] Karnataka
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Correct Answer: B [Tamil Nadu]
India’s first ever sanctuary for the endangered Slender Loris will be set up in Tamil Nadu. The Kadavur Slender Loris Sanctuary will be formed by merging 11,806 hectares in the forest areas of Karur and Dindigul districts.
Slender Loris is listed as an endangered species according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). It is a small nocturnal mammal that spends most of its life on trees. They help farmers by acting as biological predators of pests that harm agricultural crops.
5. As per the CSIR-NITI Aayog Report, which country bears the highest health and economic burden due to lead poisoning?
[A] Afghanistan
[B] Nepal
[C] India
[D] Sri Lanka
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Correct Answer: C [India]
As per the report prepared jointly by Niti Aayog and the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India bears the world’s highest health and economic burden due to lead poisoning.
Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh had the highest average blood lead levels (BLL). A 2020 report by UNICEF and non-profit Pure Earth had found India had major number of the 800 million children poisoned by lead globally. It meant that half of India’s children were poisoned by lead.

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