Daily Current Affairs Quiz : November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023 November 10, 2023
1. As per WHO 2023 Global TB report, which county accounted for the highest number of tuberculosis (TB) cases in the world in 2022?
[A] China
[B] India
[C] Indonesia
[D] Ethiopia
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Correct Answer: B [India]
India accounted for the highest number of tuberculosis (TB) cases in the world in 2022, representing a staggering 27 percent of the global burden, as revealed by the new World Health Organization (WHO) 2023 Global TB report released.
According to the report, India recorded 2.8 million (28.2 lakh) TB cases in 2022, with a case fatality ratio of 12 per cent. Featuring data from 192 countries and areas, the report reveals that 7.5 million people were diagnosed with TB in 2022.
2. ‘The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA)’ is the flagship report of which institution?
[A] World Bank
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Correct Answer: C [FAO]
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released its flagship report, the State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA). Although current agrifood systems provide nourishment and sustain economies, they also impose huge hidden costs on health and the environment – the equivalent of at least $10 trillion annually.
The figure represents nearly 10 per cent of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), according to the 2023 edition of the report which covers 154 countries.
3. Which institution releases the ‘Production Gap report’?
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Correct Answer: A [UNEP]
The United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Production Gap report has been released in anticipation of the COP28 climate conference.
It warns that global fossil fuel production over the next seven years is projected to exceed more than double the levels required to stay within the climate goals outlined in the 2015 Paris climate agreement, including the crucial target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
4. What is the name of the recently launched brand of National Cooperative Organics Ltd (NCOL)?
[A] Namo Organics
[B] Bharat Organics
[C] India Fresh
[D] India Dairy
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Correct Answer: B [Bharat Organics]
Cooperation Minister Amit Shah launched the ‘Bharat Organics’ brand of the newly launched National Cooperative Organics Ltd (NCOL).
It will have as many as 20 products in the market by December 2023. NCOL will pass on 50 per cent of its profit earned over the Minimum Support Price (MSP) of any crop directly into the bank account of the farmers, while the rest will be used for the growth of the organization.
5. ‘Quota of special drawing rights (SDR)’, which is seen in the news, is associated with which institution?
[A] International Monetary Fund
[B] Reserve Bank of India
[C] US Federal Reserve
[D] Bureau of International Settlements
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Correct Answer: A [International Monetary Fund]
The executive board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a proposal to make a 50 per cent increase in the quota allocated to members in proportion to their current quotas. The proposal will now be considered and made effective by the board of governors as part of concluding the 16th general review of quotas.
Currently, India has a quota of special drawing rights (SDR) 13,114.4 million which denotes a share of 2.75 per cent, making it the eighth-largest quota-holding country in the IMF.

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