Daily Current Affairs Quiz: May 29, 2024
May 29, 2024 May 29, 2024
1. Recently, Gitanas Nausėda has been re-elected as the President of which country?
[A] Lithuania
[B] Luxembourg
[C] Croatia
[D] Bulgaria
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Correct Answer: A [Lithuania]
Gitanas Nausėda, a non-partisan candidate and former bank chief economist, was re-elected as Lithuania’s president on May 26, 2024, defeating Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė. The initial election on May 12, 2024, saw Nausėda receiving 46% and Šimonytė 16%, leading to a run-off. Nausėda won decisively, securing his second five-year term. Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated him on his re-election.
2. Which state government has recently banned the sale, production and distribution of tobacco products?
[A] Kerala
[B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] Bihar
[D] Telangana
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Correct Answer: D [Telangana]
The Telangana government has banned the manufacture, storage, distribution, and sale of gutka and pan masala containing tobacco and nicotine for one year starting May 24, 2024. This decision, driven by public health concerns, is enforced under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. The ban aims to mitigate serious health risks like oral cancer and oral submucous fibrosis linked to these products.
3. Which state government recently issued an order to Forest Development Corporation to plant eucalyptus trees for its financial sustenance in 2024-2025?
[A] Tamil Nadu
[B] Gujarat
[C] Andhra Pradesh
[D] Kerala
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Correct Answer: D [Kerala]
The Kerala government authorized the Kerala Forest Development Corporation (KFDC) to plant eucalyptus trees for financial support in 2024-2025. Eucalyptus, a genus of over 660 species, includes some of the world’s tallest trees, native to Australia and nearby regions. Known as gum trees, they feature gum-infused bark, circular leaves, and small flowers. In India, Eucalyptus tereticornis and Eucalyptus hybrids are commonly cultivated in various states, thriving in fertile, loamy soil.
4. Campi Flegrei, recently seen in news, is an active volcano located in which country?
[A] Italy
[B] Indonesia
[C] Chile
[D] Tonga
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Correct Answer: A [Italy]
The strongest earthquake in decades recently hit Italy’s Campi Flegrei supervolcano region. Campi Flegrei, located near Naples, is an active volcanic system with multiple centers in a 12-15 km caldera formed 39,000 years ago. Unlike Mount Vesuvius, it is more active and expansive, with a third under the Tyrrhenian Sea. The last eruption in 1538 created Monte Nuovo. Restless since 1950, it poses significant geological risks.
5. Archaeological Survey of India recently founded the neolithic age rock carvings in which state?
[A] Goa
[B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] Haryana
[D] Odisha
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Correct Answer: A [Goa]
The Archaeological Survey of India confirms Neolithic rock carvings in Goa’s Mauxi village. Carvings on meta basalt rock along the dry Zarme riverbed depict animals like zebus, bulls, and antelopes, as well as footprints and cupules. In India, prehistoric rock paintings span from the Upper Palaeolithic, featuring animal figures, to the Mesolithic, with human scenes, and the Neolithic-Chalcolithic, showing pottery and metal tools.

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