Daily Current Affairs Quiz : May 19, 2021
May 19, 2021 May 21, 2021
1. Under which section, USA authorizes the President to take tariff-based and non-tariff-based retaliation on a foreign government?
[A] U.S. Trade Act of 1974
[B] WTO Act
[C] World Bank Act
[D] US Customs Act
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Correct Answer: A [U.S. Trade Act of 1974]
As per the Section 301 of the U.S. Trade Act of 1974, the US Government can authorize the President to take all appropriate action, which includes tariff-based and non-tariff-based retaliation on a foreign government, to remove any unjustified, unreasonable, or discriminatory legislation of the foreign government.
USA has proposed a strong tariff action against Indian exporters, especially against Basmati rice, gems and jewellery.
2. In order to curtail the price rise in pulses, which of the following steps has been recently initiated by the Government of India?
[A] Decrease local production of pulses
[B] Impose stock holding limits on pulses
[C] Permit free import of pulses
[D] Incentivize pulse export
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Correct Answer: C [Permit free import of pulses]
In order to curb the price of pulses from further moving up, the Government of India has permitted for free import of tur, urad and moong pulses.
These pulses have been placed in the non-restricted list of imports, since their prices were on the higher side in the recent past.
3. Which state has proposed to control microfinance, by way of a state legislation?
[A] Assam
[B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] Tamil Nadu
[D] Kerala
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Correct Answer: A [Assam]
The state Government of Assam has enacted “The Assam Microfinance Institutions (Regulation of Moneylending) Act, 2020”, through which it proposes to control microfinance and related institutions. Under this act, micro finance institutions require separate registrations for working in a selected village or city.
In this regard, the Reserve Bank of India has expressed firm reservations and has stated that implementation of the Act would lead to dual regulation of the microfinance market.
4. Which organizations have stated that “Long working hours” have resulted in 7.45 lakh deaths per year around the globe?
[A] WB and IMF
[B] WHO and ILO
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Correct Answer: B [WHO and ILO]
In a joint research publication by the World Health Organization and the International Labour Organization, published in the Environment International journal, it is stated that Long working hours have killed close to 7.45 lakh people across the globe.
Of them 3.98 lakh people died from stroke and 3.47 lakh died from heart disease. Also, it is found that work related disease burden is found to be more prominent in men.
5. Which animal has recently resurfaced in India, in Mizoram’s Pualreng sanctuary, after a gap of 108 years?
[A] Snow leopard
[B] Hyena
[C] Yamuna Dolphins
[D] Doria’s foam-nesting treefrog
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Correct Answer: D [Doria’s foam-nesting treefrog]
A team of zoologists belonging to Mizoram University have spotted Doria’s foam-nesting treefrog in the buffer area of Mizoram’s Pualreng Wildlife Sanctuary. This discovery was made by them in June 2020, which has now been published in a leading journal – Reptiles & Amphibians.
This species has characters like changing skin shade and whipping up foam to protect eggs. It is believed that this frog has reappeared in India after 108 years.

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