Daily Current Affairs Quiz: May 14, 2021
May 14, 2021 May 21, 2021
1. Who has been named as the CEO of the proposed bad bank- NARCL?
[A] Padmakumar M Nair
[B] Ajay Bhushan Pandey
[C] S C Garg
[D] K Subramaniam
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Correct Answer: A [Padmakumar M Nair]
Padmakumar M Nair of State Bank of India (SBI) will be the Chief executive officer of National Asset Reconstruction Company (NARCL).
NARCL, also called as the ‘bad’ bank, is expected to be operational in June 2021. It is a proposed entity for taking over bad loans of lenders, predominantly public sector banks.
2. Which state recently conducted Monkey Census using the mobile application designed by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII)?
[A] Gujarat
[B] Haryana
[C] Rajasthan
[D] West Bengal
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Correct Answer: B [Haryana]
Haryana conducted a three-day Monkey Census as a part of a larger Wildlife Census for Haryana-2021.
Over 600 people throughout Haryana participated in Monkey Census and documented approximately 6,000 monkeys on a mobile application by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) titled ‘Wildlife Census Haryana’.
3. ‘Jezero’ Crater, whose images have been captured recently, is a crater in which astronomical body?
[A] Moon
[B] Sun
[C] Mars
[D] Venus
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Correct Answer: C [Mars]
NASA’s Perseverance rover has recently started to study the floor structure of the ancient crater- Jezero Crater.
The rover has started focusing its science instruments on rocks laying on the floor of the crater. A camera named ‘WATSON’ at the end of the rover’s robotic arm has taken detailed shots of the rocks. The rover is also documenting the historic flights of the rotorcraft of Ingenuity.
4. What is the outlay of the PLI Scheme for Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) Battery Storage?
[A] Rs 8100 cr
[B] Rs 18100 cr
[C] Rs 48100 cr
[D] Rs 78100 cr
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Correct Answer: B [Rs 18100 cr]
The Union Cabinet approved a ₹18,100 crore production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme for Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC) Battery Storage.
The prime objective is to set up 50 giga watt hour (GWh) manufacturing capacity for advance chemistry cell batteries. This is expected to accelerate switching to electric vehicles to curb pollution and reduce oil imports.
5. What is the name of the document issued by bank as a proof of payments received from abroad?
[C] Vostro
[D] Nostro
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Correct Answer: A [FIRA]
FIRA is a document issued by banks to exporters as a proof of payments received from abroad. It is a proof of receipt of export proceeds in foreign currency received from abroad.
American Payment company PayPal has introduced an automated process to obtain the monthly Foreign Inward Remittance Advice (FIRA). It is a cost-free and easy process to download their monthly digital FIRA issued by the bank. This initiative aims to empower Indian MSME exporters.

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year.
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