Daily Current Affairs Quiz: May 13, 2021
May 13, 2021 May 21, 2021
1. May 8-9 is observed as the of Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the which war?
[A] First World War
[B] Second World War
[C] Indo-China War
[D] French revolutionary wars
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Correct Answer: B [Second World War]
In 2004, the UN General Assembly declared 8–9 May as a time of remembrance and reconciliation for those who lost their lives during the Second World War.
UNGA conducts solemn meeting with its member countries, to pay tribute to all victims of the war. US describes the war as “one of the most epic struggles for freedom and liberation in history,” with 40 million civilians and 20 million soldiers dead.
2. Which species of frog is the officially largest frog in the world?
[A] Goliath frog
[B] African Bull frog
[C] American Bull frog
[D] Cane Toad
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Correct Answer: A [Goliath frog]
The Goliath frog is said to be the largest living frog, which can grow up to 32 centimetres in length and weigh up to 3.25 kilograms
The species of frog are found in a small habitat range in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. Due to habitat destruction, the population of frog are decreasing. Recently, villagers in the Solomon Islands spotted a large frog as big as a human baby. It is said to be a Cornufer guppy frog, a species in the family of Ceratobatrachidae.
3. Which country is set to create “a line of separation” at the Mt Everest summit to tackle Covid-19 infection?
[A] Nepal
[B] China
[C] India
[D] Bangladesh
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Correct Answer: B [China]
China has recently announced that is set to create “a line of separation” at the Mt Everest summit. This is expected to prevent climbers from the Chinese side from being infected by those climbing the summit from Nepal.
Earlier, a number of Covid-19 cases were diagnosed among those climbing the mountain from Nepal. The peak climbing is usually undertaken by the climbers between April and early June before the monsoon arrives.
4. The ‘Yazidi’, seen in the news recently, is a minority religious group predominantly found in which country?
[A] Sudan
[B] China
[C] Iraq
[D] Afghanistan
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Correct Answer: C [Iraq]
Yazidism is a monotheistic ethnic religion followed by Yazidis, whose population are estimated at around 7 lakhs around the world. They are a historically misunderstood group and are ethnically Kurdish in a majority.
Majority of the group are concentrated in northern Iraq, in and around Sinjar. Recently, the U.N team investigating atrocities in Iraq announced that it has found evidence that Islamic State extremists committed genocide against the Yazidi minority in 2014.
5. Bucharest Nine (B9) is a group of nine countries from which international bloc?
[A] G 20
[B] European Union
[D] Common wealth
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Correct Answer: C [NATO]
Nine countries—Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia established a platform for political consultation and cooperation within NATO.
Named as Bucharest Nine, or B9, it is also regarded as the “voice of the Eastern Flank” in the NATO alliance. Recently, in the B9 summit, US President Joseph R Biden addressed the countries in virtual format.

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