Daily Current Affairs Quiz: March 19, 2021
March 19, 2021 May 21, 2021
1. Vanvasi Samagam, a tribal congregation was organised in which state/UT?
[A] Madhya Pradesh
[B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] Andhra Pradesh
[D] Odisha
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Correct Answer: B [Uttar Pradesh]
A tribal congregation-Vanvasi Samagam was organised in Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh. President Ramnath Kovind participated in the congregation as Chief Guest.
The President also inaugurated the newly constructed building of Seva Kunj Ashram. The construction of school and hostel buildings were undertaken by NTPC.
2. An advisory committee has been set up to study which Indian river for the next two years, chaired by the Culture Minister?
[A] Sarasvati
[B] Sarayu
[C] Sarayu
[D] Narmada
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Correct Answer: A [Sarasvati]
The Centre has reconstituted an advisory committee to create a plan for studying the mythical Sarasvati river for the next two years.
The term of the previous panel, which was set up by the Archaeological Survey of India in 2017, ended in 2019. The 27-member panel would include officials from various ministries, archaeologists and other experts.
3. OTPRMS certificates, which was seen in the news recently, is associated with which Union Ministry?
[A] Ministry of Education
[B] Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
[C] Ministry of Labour and Employment
[D] Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
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Correct Answer: A [Ministry of Education]
Online Teacher Pupil Registration Management System (OTPRMS) enable the candidates who have passed or undergoing any of the courses under National Council for Teacher Education, to register themselves, in order to be recruited as teachers.
The Ministry of Education has decided to link the OTPRMS certificates with DigiLocker service, to facilitate free access to the certificates.
4. Which institution announced a rule that sought to treat banks’ additional tier 1 (AT1) bonds as having 100-year maturity?
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Correct Answer: B [SEBI]
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) issued a circular that sought to treat additional tier 1 (AT1) bonds of banks as having 100-year maturity.
The Finance Ministry has asked SEBI to withdraw this rule, which would make investments in the bonds one of the riskiest. A sell-off in these securities will make it tougher for banks to raise capital. The rules were to take effect form April 2021.
5. All India Tourist Vehicles Authorization and Permit Rules, will be applicable from which date?
[A] April 1, 2021
[B] May 1, 2021
[C] June 1, 2021
[D] August 1, 2021
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Correct Answer: A [April 1, 2021]
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has announced a new scheme, named ‘All India Tourist Vehicles Authorization and Permit Rules, 2021.
Under the new set of rules, any tourist vehicle operator may apply for an “All India Tourist Authorization/Permit” through online mode. After required documents are submitted and fees deposited, it will be issued within 30 days of submission of such applications.

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