Daily Current Affairs Quiz: March 07-08, 2021
March 8, 2021 May 21, 2021
1. What is the theme of World Hearing Day 2021?
[A] Hearing care for All
[B] Save Hearing
[C] Care for hearing
[D] Hearing care
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Correct Answer: A [Hearing care for All]
World Hearing Day is observed on 3 March to raise awareness about the measures that can be taken to prevent hearing loss.
It is a campaign held each year by Office of Prevention of Blindness and Deafness of the World Health Organization (WHO). The theme of the campaign for 2021 is Hearing Care for All.
2. The International Waste Pickers’ Day is observed on which date?
[A] March 1
[B] March 2
[C] March 3
[D] March 4
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Correct Answer: A [March 1]
International Waste Pickers’ Day is observed on March 1 to mark the Colombian massacre that led to the brutal death of 11 workers. This day seeks to give voice and recognition to waste pickers/recyclers across the world.
During this occasion, a new report released by the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) highlighted the role of informal recyclers in enabling transition towards zero waste systems and the overall economic recovery.
3. What is the theme of World Wildlife Day 2021?
[A] Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet
[B] For people, For planet, For ecosystem
[C] Forests – Pillars for people and planet
[D] None of the above
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Correct Answer: A [Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet]
World Wildlife Day is observed on March 3 across the world to celebrate wildlife and create awareness about the adverse impact of human activities and climate change on the wildlife.
This year, it is being celebrated under the theme- Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet.
4. What is the full form of NADMP?
[A] National Agriculture Disaster Management Plan
[B] Ninth Agriculture Disaster Management Plan
[C] New Agriculture Disaster Management Plan
[D] Ninth Agriculture Disaster Mitigation Planning
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Correct Answer: A [National Agriculture Disaster Management Plan]
National Agriculture Disaster Management Plan (NADMP) seeks to guide the Union Agriculture Ministry in ensuring timely response to natural disasters like drought, floods and sudden crisis like COVID-19 pandemic.
It identifies 34 hazards posing threats to the agriculture sector. These include heat waves, earthquakes, animal attacks, desertification, agricultural fires, cyclones and overdependence on chemicals.
5. Which Indian state recently approved Bill to reserve 75% private jobs for locals?
[A] Haryana
[B] Himachal Pradesh
[C] Goa
[D] Uttarakhand
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Correct Answer: A [Haryana]
The Governor of Haryana, Satyadev Narayan Arya, has approved a bill to reserve 75 per cent jobs in Private sector jobs for the people of the state.
Reservation will be provided in every company, trust and society. Thus, the “Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Act, 2020” has now come into force in the state of Haryana from March 2, 2020.

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year.
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Nandini Barde
March 8, 2021 at 7:01 amNice and it’s very helpful for me in preparation