Daily Current Affairs Quiz : June 5-6, 2022
June 6, 2022 July 1, 2022
1. Which Union Ministry launched the “Scheme for Residential Education for Students in High Schools in Targeted Areas” (SHRESTHA) scheme?
[A] Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
[B] Ministry of Education
[C] Ministry of Women and Child Development
[D] Ministry of Tribal Affairs
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Correct Answer: A [Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment]
The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment launched “Scheme for Residential Education for Students in High Schools in Targeted Areas” (SHRESTHA).
It aims to provide quality education and opportunities for the poorest Scheduled Caste students. Under this scheme, a certain number of meritorious SC students per year will be selected through a National Entrance Test for SHRESHTA (NETS), conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). They will be admitted in the good private residential schools, affiliated to CBSE.
2. Ministry of Tourism launched the ‘National strategy for sustainable tourism’ along with which organisation?
[C] World Bank
[D] World Economic Forum
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Correct Answer: B [UNEP]
Ministry of Tourism, in association with the United Environment Program (UNEP) and Responsible Tourism Society of India (RTSOI) organised the ‘National summit on developing sustainable and responsible tourist destinations’ in New Delhi.
On this occasion, the Ministry of Tourism launched the national strategy for sustainable tourism and the responsible traveller campaign.
3. What is the theme of the ‘World Environment Day 2022’?
[A] Invest in our Planet
[B] Only One Earth
[C] 50th Environment Day
[D] Live with the Nature
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Correct Answer: B [Only One Earth]
The World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5, to raise awareness about degrading environmental conditions and environment protection.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the nodal agency that organises and supports events across the world. The year 2022 marks the 50th World Environment Day. Sweden is the host of the event this year and the theme is ‘Only One Earth’. It was the motto for the 1972 Stockholm Conference
4. Which state launched a special Health Care scheme called ‘Anchal’ for pregnant women?
[A] Bihar
[B] Rajasthan
[C] Uttar Pradesh
[D] Himachal Pradesh
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Correct Answer: B [Rajasthan]
Rajasthan launched a special Health Care scheme ‘Anchal’ in the Karauli district for pregnant women. During the campaign, over 13000 pregnant women were tested for their haemoglobin levels and are advised to take right medicines.
Under this campaign, it is also ensured that the Auxiliary Nurse Midwife and ASHA workers in the district are in constant touch with the pregnant women of their respective areas.
5. What is the new rate of interest ratified by the Government for the ‘employees’ provident fund (EPF) deposits for 2021-22’?
[A] 8. 7 %
[B] 8. 5 %
[C] 8. 1 %
[D] 7. 5 %
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Correct Answer: C [8. 1 %]
The Government has approved 8.1 per cent rate of interest on employees’ provident fund (EPF) deposits for the year 2021-22, from 8.5 per cent provided in the previous year.
The 8.1 per cent EPF rate of interest is the lowest since 1977-78, when it stood at 8 per cent. The interest rate on EPF deposits was decided by the Central Board of Trustees (CBT) and was ratified by the finance ministry 2021.

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