Daily Current Affairs Quiz : June 25, 2021
June 25, 2021 June 25, 2021
1. When is the International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice observed every year by the UN?
[A] June 19
[B] June 21
[C] June 25
[D] June 30
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Correct Answer: B [June 21]
Every year, the United Nations observes June 21 as International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice.
As per the United Nations, solstices and equinoxes symbolize fertility of the land, agricultural and cultural heritage. Hence the UN General Assembly acknowledged this event and recognized this date for celebration.
2. When is World Music Day observed every year?
[A] June 20
[B] June 21
[C] June 22
[D] June 23
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Correct Answer: B [June 21]
Every year, the 21st of June is celebrated as World Music Day. This day was first celebrated in the year 1982 in France.
The day coincides with the Summer solstice and is aimed to bring people out on the streets and enjoy themselves listening to the music.
3. Nikol Pashinyan, has been elected as the Prime Minister of which country?
[A] Armenia
[B] New Zealand
[C] Singapore
[D] Vietnam
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Correct Answer: A [Armenia]
Nikol Pashinyan, who is presently the acting Prime Minister of Armenia and a member of the Civil Contract party, has won the recently held general elections for the Parliament. He has claimed a sharp victory against his rival former President Robert Kocharyan.
The acting PM has called for a poll with an aim to end the political crisis that occurred after Armenian forces lost a six-week war against Azerbaijan last year.
4. Which Indian state has announced cash awards for having the maximum number of children, in one of its constituencies?
[A] Haryana
[B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] Bihar
[D] Mizoram
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Correct Answer: D [Mizoram]
Robert Romawia Royte – the Sports Minister of Mizoram has announced a cash incentive of Rs. 1 lakh for parents having maximum number of children in Aizawl East-2 assembly constituency.
This announcement was made on Father’s day on the backdrop of increasing infertility and decreasing growth rate in the district.
5. Which policy is being prepared by the Government of India, to make green energy cheaper?
[A] Renewable Energy Policy
[B] Non-Conventional Policy
[C] Green Tariff Policy
[D] Energy Policy
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Correct Answer: C [Green Tariff Policy]
The Government of India is in the process of formulating a new policy named “Green Tariff Policy”, which aims to make power generated from green sources / renewable sources available at a cheaper rate compared to that of conventional power generation.
This announcement has been made by the Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy Raj Kumar Singh.

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year.
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