Daily Current Affairs Quiz : June 12, 2021
June 12, 2021 June 12, 2021
1. Which international agency has adopted a political declaration to end AIDS by the year 2030?
[A] UN General Assembly
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Correct Answer: A [UN General Assembly]
The General Assembly of the United Nations has called for an immediate action to end AIDS from the world by the year 2030.
The assembly had passed an approval in this regard and has noted the present condition of AIDS with an alarm. The declaration was adopted with 165 votes in favour and four against.
2. Operation Pangea XIV was exercised by which agency?
[B] Indian Army
[C] Indian Airforce
[D] Interpol
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Correct Answer: D [Interpol]
An exercise named the “Operation Pangea XIV” was conducted by the Interpol, in which the agency has taken down more than 1.10 lakh web links, including websites and online marketplaces, which were involved in illegal sale of medicines and medical products.
India also participated in this operation and along with India, 92 countries participated in this exercise.
3. Digital India Corporation is an institution under which Ministry?
[A] Ministry of Home Affairs
[B] Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
[C] Ministry of Finance
[D] Ministry of Corporate Affairs
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Correct Answer: B [Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology]
The Digital India Corporation is a Not-for-profit company, working under the Union Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
Recently, the company has entered into an MoU with Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) for providing ‘Demand Based Tele Agriculture Advisories’ to farmers. Under the MoU, “Interactive Information Dissemination System (IIDS) of DIC and KisanSarathi Platform” of ICAR will be collaborated to provide better extension services.
4. The report titled ‘Child Labour: Global estimates 2020, trends and the road forward’ has been released by ILO in association with which organization?
[D] World Bank
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Correct Answer: A [UNICEF]
The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UNICEF have released a report titled ‘Child Labour: Global estimates 2020, trends and the road forward’. This has been released ahead of the World Day Against Child Labour in June 12th.
As per the report, the number of child labour has risen to an alarming number of 16 crore across the world.
5. As per the report “The Costs of Climate Change in India”, by what % India’s poverty rate would increase by 2040 due to climate change?
[A] 2%
[B] 3.5%
[C] 4%
[D] 10%
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Correct Answer: B [3.5%]
The report titled ‘The Costs of Climate Change in India’ has been released by London-based global think tank Overseas Development Institute. The report states that India’s poverty would increase by 3.5% by the year 2040 on account of climate change.
The report also stated that India would lose around 3 to 10 per cent GDP due to climate change by the year 2100.

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