Notes: Haryana minister Shruti Choudhry launched the ‘Samman Sanjeevani’ app on National Girl Child Day 2025. The app tracks benefits under the ‘Mahila Evam Kishori Samman Yojana’. Sanitary napkins are distributed to BPL women and girls aged 10-45 years via Anganwadi centers and schools. The app ensures timely delivery, collects beneficiary data, and updates monthly benefits. The Women and Child Development Department celebrates 10 years of ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’.
2. India hosted the Second BIMSTEC Expert Group Meeting on Cyber Security Cooperation in which city?
[A] Hyderabad [B] Chennai [C] New Delhi [D] Bengaluru
Notes: India hosted the Second BIMSTEC Expert Group Meeting on Cyber Security Cooperation on 21 January 2025 in New Delhi. The meeting aimed to finalize a 5-year Action Plan for strengthening cyber security among BIMSTEC Member States. Key focus areas include information sharing, cybercrime, protecting critical infrastructures, incident response, and global cyber norms. India presented its “Cyber Hygiene for School Children” initiative under Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C). The Action Plan’s implementation will boost regional cyber security and resilience among BIMSTEC countries.
3. Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary is located in which state?
Notes: The Forest Department plans to revise the boundaries of Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary to address legal issues. Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the Aravalli Hills, 20 km from Jaipur, Rajasthan. It spans an area of 720 hectares and is named after the historic Nahargarh Fort, built in the 18th century by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II. The sanctuary includes Nahargarh Biological Park, known for its popular lion safaris.
4. Which institution has published the Fiscal Health Index 2025?
[A] Reserve Bank of India [B] Securities and Exchange Board of India [C] NITI Aayog [D] World Bank
Notes: NITI Aayog published the Fiscal Health Index (FHI) 2025. It assesses fiscal health across 18 major Indian states using five sub-indices: Quality of Expenditure, Revenue Mobilisation, Fiscal Prudence, Debt Index, and Debt Sustainability. Odisha ranked first with a score of 67.8, followed by Chhattisgarh (55.2) and Goa (53.6). Strong performers excel in revenue, expenditure, and debt management, while Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, and Kerala are the worst-performing states. Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and Karnataka were categorized as “front-runners,” while Tamil Nadu, Bihar, and Haryana are “performers.”
5. Pangsau Pass, which was seen in news, lies between which two countries?
[A] India and Bhutan [B] China and Nepal [C] India and Myanmar [D] India and Bangladesh
Notes: The Pangsau Pass International Festival was recently celebrated in Nampong, Arunachal Pradesh. Pangsau Pass, at 3,727 feet, lies on the India-Myanmar border in the Patkai Hills. It is named after Pangsau, a Burmese village 2 km from the pass, and serves as an easy route to Burma from Assam. Historically, it was the route of the 13th-century Ahom invasion and gained fame during WWII as a key obstacle in General Stilwell’s effort to build a route to China. The nearby “Lake of No Return” in Myanmar is visible from the pass. The pass is also known as “Hell Gate” for its challenging terrain.
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