Daily Current Affairs Quiz : January 2-3, 2022
January 3, 2022 January 2, 2022
1. KSLV-II Nuri rocket, is the first domestically produced space launch vehicle of which country?
[A] South Korea
[B] Israel
[D] Bangladesh
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Correct Answer: A [South Korea]
South Korea’s first domestically produced space launch vehicle KSLV-II Nuri rocket failed due to a loose helium tank.
All the three stages of the rocket worked, taking it to a height of 700 kilometres, and the 1.5-tonne payload separated successfully. The mission failed as the third-stage engine stopped burning 46 seconds earlier than schedule.
2. Which country launched the ‘Better Health Smoke-Free’ campaign?
[A] Australia
[B] UK
[C] India
[D] France
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Correct Answer: B [UK]
The UK government has launched a new initiative named ‘Better Health Smoke-Free’ campaign, which highlights the impact of adult smokers on younger people.
The campaign has urged the smokers to quit smoking. As per the data released by the campaign, 4.9 per cent of teenagers whose parents smoke have also adopted the habit. New Zealand has also set goals to go smoke-free by 2030.
3. ‘Financial Stability Report (FSR)’ is the flagship report released by which institution?
[A] NITI Aayog
[B] Reserve Bank of India
[C] World Bank
[D] Asian Development Bank
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Correct Answer: B [Reserve Bank of India]
‘Financial Stability Report (FSR)’ is a half-yearly report released by the ‘Reserve Bank of India’. The recent edition of the report was released by RBI.
As per the report, the retail-led credit growth model in India is beginning to face issues due to two factors, increase in defaults in the consumer finance portfolio and slowdown in the new credit segment.
4. Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah is the Prime Minister of which country?
[A] Bahrain
[B] Kuwait
[C] Oman
[D] Saudi Arabia
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Correct Answer: B [Kuwait]
Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah is the Prime Minister of Kuwait. Kuwait has recently formed a new cabinet with a new finance minister and three opposition legislators.
This is the Gulf country’s third cabinet this year after the previous governments resigned in the standoff. The cabinet has only one female minister. It includes three opposition MPs and one pro-government lawmaker.
5. Which country is the new member of the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB)?
[A] Italy
[B] Egypt
[C] Israel
[D] Bangladesh
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Correct Answer: B [Egypt]
The BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) announced that it will add Egypt as its new member. NDB was established by BRICS nations, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, in the year 2015.
Egypt is the fourth new member admitted into NDB, after Bangladesh, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Uruguay. Marcos Troyjo is the President of the NDB.

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year.
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