Daily Current Affairs Quiz : January 1, 2022
January 1, 2022 January 1, 2022
1. Which Union Ministry is implementing ‘Gram Ujala programme’?
[A] Ministry of Power
[B] Ministry of Rural Development
[C] Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
[D] Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
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Correct Answer: A [Ministry of Power]
Gram Ujala scheme is a flagship scheme of the Union Ministry of Power. Convergence Energy Services Limited (CESL) is providing high quality LED bulbs with 3 years guarantee at a cost of INR 10 per bulb in exchange of working incandescent bulbs.
Recently, CESL has achieved a remarkable milestone of distributing 50 lakhs LED bulbs under Project Crore of Gram Ujala programme.
2. Which Asian Country recently unveiled its National Security Policy (NSP)?
[A] Sri Lanka
[B] Pakistan
[C] Afghanistan
[D] Bangladesh
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Correct Answer: B [Pakistan]
Pakistan’s Cabinet endorsed the country’s first-ever National Security Policy (NSP), which emphasised that economic progress should be at the center of national security.
The Cabinet has adopted the document which was approved by the high-powered National Security Committee (NSC). The Policy is a five-year policy document covering the period 2022-26.
3. The latest version of ‘Consumer Protection Act’ was passed in which year?
[A] 2010
[B] 2015
[C] 2019
[D] 2021
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Correct Answer: C [2019]
The Union Government in exercise of the powers conferred by the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 has notified the Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules, 2021.
As per the new rules, Direct selling entity and direct sellers are prohibited from Promoting a Pyramid Scheme or enroll any person to such scheme or participate in such arrangement. They are also prohibited from participating in money circulation scheme in the name of direct selling business.
4. Which state’s legislative council has passed a bill to give more powers to Higher Education Minister in the state-run varsities?
[A] Andhra Pradesh
[B] Maharashtra
[C] Telangana
[D] Tamil Nadu
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Correct Answer: B [Maharashtra]
The Maharashtra Legislative Council passed the Maharashtra Public University Act, 2016 (Third Amendment) bill.
It seeks to give more powers to the Higher and Technical Education Minister in the state-run varsities. The bill also allows the minister to make recommendations to the Governor who is the chancellor of the universities. It also proposes appointment of the Minister as pro-chancellor of the universities.
5. As per the Ratings agency ICRA, what is the estimated real GDP Growth of India in FY 2022?
[A] 12.5 %
[B] 11 %
[C] 10%
[D] 9%
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Correct Answer: D [9%]
The Ratings agency ICRA has maintained its forecast of a 9.0% GDP expansion for India in FY2022. It maintained that a K-shaped divergence will be seen amongst the formal and informal sectors of the economy.
The ratings agency also expects the economy to maintain a similar 9.0% growth in the next fiscal year FY2023.

The above 5 questions are part of Daily Current Affairs 20 MCQs Series in GKToday Android Application. This series can be subscribed in the app only for Rs. 999/- for entire year.
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