Daily Current Affairs Quiz : August 14, 2021
August 14, 2021 August 14, 2021
1. Recently, on which bank has RBI imposed a penalty of Rs 1 crore?
[A] Cooperatieve Rabobank UA
[B] Ahmednagar Merchant’s Cooperative Bank
[C] Mahila Vikas Co-operative Bank
[D] Durgapur Steel Peoples Cooperative Bank
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Correct Answer: A [Cooperatieve Rabobank UA]
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on August 12, 2021 has imposed a penalty of Rs 1 crore on Cooperatieve Rabobank U.A. for deficiencies in regulatory compliances. The penalty has been imposed for contravention of certain provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and directions related to ‘transfer to reserve funds’. RBI said a penalty of Rs 5 lakh has been imposed on Village Financial Services Ltd, Kolkata, for non-compliance with certain provisions of the Know Your Customer Directions, 2016. RBI has also imposed penalty of Rs 13 lakh on Ahmednagar Merchant’s Cooperative Bank, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, and Rs 2 lakh on The Mahila Vikas Co-operative Bank, Ahmedabad.
2. Which country has test-fired the surface-to-surface ballistic missile Ghaznavi?
[A] Iran
[B] Saudi Arabia
[C] Pakistan
[D] Oman
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Correct Answer: C [Pakistan]
Pakistan has test-fired a surface-to-surface ballistic missile named ‘Ghaznavi’ on August 12, 2021. This is a nuclear-capable surface-to-surface ballistic missile ‘Ghaznavi’ which can strike targets up to 290 kilometres. The Ghaznavi missile has been tested in both day and night modes.
3. How many police officers in the country have been conferred with the Union Home Minister’s Medal for Excellence in Investigation award?
[A] 151
[B] 152
[C] 155
[D] 145
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Correct Answer: B [152]
As many as 152 police officers in the country have been conferred with the ‘Union Home Minister’s Medal for Excellence in Investigation’ for 2021 for their high professional standards of investigation of crime. The Union Home Ministry, in a statement on August 12, 2021, said the awardees include 28 women police officials from across the country. This medal was constituted in 2018 with the objective to promote high professional standards of investigation of crime and to recognise such excellence in investigation by investigating officers.
4. What amount has been released by the PM as seed money for 7,500 SHG members under PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises scheme?
[A] Rs 35 crore
[B] Rs 45 crore
[C] Rs 15 crore
[D] Rs 25 crore
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Correct Answer: D [Rs 25 crore]
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 12, 2021 released Rs 25 crore as seed money for 7,500 SHG members under the PMFME (PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises) scheme of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries and Rs 4.13 crore as funds to 75 FPOs (farmer producer organisations) being promoted under the mission. These SHGs are promoted under the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) via video-conferencing.
5. How many workers, employed in the Departmental Undertakings & Public Sector Undertakings of the Central and State Governments and Private Sector Units, will be awarded the Prime Minister’s Shram Awards?
[A] 67
[B] 75
[C] 59
[D] 69
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Correct Answer: D [69]
On August 12, 2021, the Government of India announced the Prime Minister’s Shram Awards (PMSA) for the year 2018. These awards are to be awarded to 69 workers employed in the Departmental Undertakings & Public Sector Undertakings of the Central and State Governments and Private Sector Units employing 500 or more workers in recognition of their distinguished performance. This year the Prime Minister’s Shram Awards are given in three categories namely Shram Bhushan Awards which carry a cash prize of Rs.1,00,000/- each, Shram Vir/Shram Veerangana Awards which carry a cash prize of Rs. 60,000/- each and Shram Shree/Shram Devi Awards which carry a cash prize of Rs.40,000/- each.

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