Daily Current Affairs 2012 Quiz : August 22, 2012
1. Meles Zenawi, who recently passed away was the Prime Minister of _________?
2. Which among the following state government is launching the B2B (business-to-business) portal to boost the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) ?
[A]Madhya Pradesh
[B]Uttar Pradesh
[C]Andhra Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
UP is home to an estimated 3.1 million MSMEs, about three-quarters of which are in the services sector. An overwhelming majority of them are in the
micro sector and are unregistered. To boost the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) the state government will launch a business
portal for MSMEs, upload a district-wise MSME database and revitalise the state’s financial institutions.
3. What is the name of the indigenously built second pollution control vessel of the Indian Coast Guard?
[A]Samudra Suraksha
[B]Samudra Prahari
[C]Samudra Paheredar
[D]Samudra Sharada
Samudra Paheredar
‘Samudra Paheredar’, second in the series of three pollution control vessels (PCVs) being built by ABG Shipyard.PCV Samudra Prahari, commissioned
in October 2010, is the first indigenously built pollution control vessel of India.
4. Who among the following has been appointed as the new U.N.-Arab League envoy to Syria replacing Kofi Annan?
[A]Joaquim Chissano
[B]Desmond Tutu
[C]Graca Machel
[D]Lakhdar Brahimi
Lakhdar Brahimi
5. Where is the head-quarter of the Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) is located?
[B]New Delhi
New Delhi
The Asian Centre for Human Rights is a NGO (non-governmental organization) dedicated to the promotion and protection of human rights and
fundamental freedoms in the Asian region.
6. Who among the following has been recently reappointed as RBI deputy governor till 2014?
[B]Dr. Subir Gokarn
[C]Anand Sinha
[D]H R Khan
7. Till now how many zonal cultural centers have been set up by the Government of India?
Government of India has set up seven Zonal Cultural Centres (ZCCs) having their headquarters at Patiala, Udaipur, Allahabad, Kolkata, Dimapur,
Nagpur and Thanjavur.
8. Recently the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued draft guidelines to limit the exposure of banks to their group companies. What is the exposure limit if the single group entity is a regulated financial services company?
[A]5 per cent of paid-up capital and reserves of a bank
[B]10 per cent of paid-up capital and reserves of a bank
[C]15 per cent of paid-up capital and reserves of a bank
[D]20 per cent of paid-up capital and reserves of a bank
10 per cent of paid-up capital and reserves of a bank
The proposed exposure limit to a single group entity, which is a non-financial services company and unregulated financial services company, would be 5
per cent of paid-up capital and reserves of a bank, and, if the single group entity is a regulated financial services company, the exposure limit would be 10 per cent.In case all non-financial services and unregulated financial services companies are taken together, the aggregate group exposure of a bank
would be 10 per cent of paid-up capital and reserves of it. It would be 20 per cent in case all group entities (financial and non-financial) are taken together. The above measures are to avoid a systemic risk in the financial sector in future.
9. What is the target of disinvestment process of PSUs in the current fiscal year?
[A]Rs.30,000 crore
[B]Rs.35,000 crore
[C]Rs.40,000 crore
[D]Rs.45,000 crore
Rs.30,000 crore
10. In which among the following states, the upcoming Flouride Mitigation Center will be set by the government ?
[A]Andhra Pradesh
[C]Tamil Nadu